I've heard boat owners are happiest the days they buy and sell their vessel.
What's the point? Countless hours, blood, sweat, and money go into it. Yet no matter what they do, the boat still rusts. Their "baby" still breaks down. What keeps them coming back for more?
Is it the prospect of what's to come? Living life on a boat sounds glamorous to me and you. Ask a boat owner. They'll tell you that being wet, cold, and sick is nothing glamorous. That can't be it.
They won't tell you. They won't tell you that owning a boat is a relationship. A relationship that takes everything out of you, and won't always give it back. But when it does, you realize it was worth every bit of it.
It will take some time to see it. Underneath the rust, that tattered sail, those scarred hands, is what you live for. Within that harbor is what permits you to live.