I have a poem, a wandering wraith to capture you I tried in putting pen to paper of my feelings when you died
But feelings are elusive things especially when acute and I have felt my words betray my heart and leave it mute
Someday the poem may finished be and then it will be known of gifts you oft conferred to me of love not said, but shown
But still my mind my heart betrays eschews my fervent call your dwelling place my heart these days as tears unbidden fall
28 Dec 2002
Abject grief often sends we writers to our pens and computers, but often what we want to say becomes elusive and illusory.
I lost three of the people closest to me in just over a year, with September 11, 2001 occurring midway between, and although a lot of my poetry came from that period, it took a long time and a lot of tries for me to really be able to get my true feelings on paper.
I read this in my meditation group, shortly after I wrote it, but this is the first time it appears in print.