What is uhmerican culture anyway? I'll explain: it's like, irrationalized entitlement, moral decadence on every side of every fence & sick narcissistic pride to be parasitic, a louse ******* the life out of the whole **** planet.
Men who have everything still die from depression. Women who call freedom co-decency bold faced oppression.
**** first question later.
Hermits complaining about the rain when they know **** well they don't even go outside.
Everyone lies to everyone lies to everyone lies to everyone lies to everyone.
See? It's a cycle. A spiral.
Maybe it'll go quiet into the night, or maybe it'll ignite the whole **** planet.
Has anyone else noticed the rise and fall of Napoleon & the Romans?
How every worldwide empire dies? In a fiery gust of embarassment that was the special from the start.
I've grown numb to the disgust I felt towards everyone else & the fact that they're all kind of beyond helping.
Now I'm just waiting for it all to fall apart.
Absolutely nothing to do with feminism, *shudder* I define **** culture as,exactly that ****** culture. Our food ***** our people **** our music ***** our movies **** our schools **** the news ***** & no one even knows what a book is. Think about that while you're pulling your short-shorts out your hoo-hah. Culture has been thoroughly *****, Thanks Merica.