I know the world like no other the centripetal force that catapults me into the concrete wall at my back which leaves lashes of gravity and welts and wounds that remind me the tides will turn and I will careen towards a blackness not even I can comprehend.
I know no middle ground I live only in extremes no gradations in my existence leave me no steps to descend the sheer cliff face that I toe ever so recklessly tempting that gravitational force whose mere presence fills me with righteous distilled rage.
There is no grey here or is it gray? -ey -ay I don't even know the orthography well enough to describe how the two sides of me the wraith and the goddess could perhaps be intertwined effervescent power the cream swirling in inexplicable patterns until the coffee is a calm warm and no longer bitter on the tongue of those whose life is not lived only on the fringes the afterthought of a leather jacket fallen out of style decades ago and yet still worn as a reminder of the days when I danced until my movements fell in sync with the Earth's and I stopped being able to distinguish where my root feet ended and the moist midnight soil began.
I know black I know white I know wintry obsidian nights the darkness so thick that even my sharpest blade could never penetrate its foreboding mass pressing in on me I know truly endless summer days when sleep is a forgotten virtue and sunlight pouring through my window warms me and I photosynthesize joy take all my nourishment from the ambrosia of the sun.