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May 2015
There's a rhythm to these 6 a.m. clouds.
A story to tell in each swirl of color
... much like her eyes, a blend of hazel.
Cloaked in mystery - and misery.
Proof that the traveling winds live within the strands of her light hair.
The blended beauty that blew from coast to coast...
6 a.m. feels like love.

As sure as you see daylight, there she is.
The woman who kissed those clouds behind millions of stars
just to prove that love goes the distance.
6 a.m. lasts all day, somewhere in the world.

*Β© 2015 Rhea Nadia
Idea given to me by: Lynn Al-Abiad
AppreciateΒ Β it.
Rhea Nadia
Written by
Rhea Nadia  California
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