a heap of bile gathers in my throat as i watch my world go up in smoke and fail to understand the purpose of regret that's spoke
in my mind i painted the vision and the brush perfects the image at every stroke yet reality reminds me the paint must dry before it can offer any hope
there it is; excuses, here they come that's me.. always trying to alter the picture when it's done because the sight isn't what i hoped to see and here i stand; starting from square one
fear sets in and i feel i just may choke so i try to erase what it has become
but it's too late; and i can't even cry this has never happened to me i'm lost and i'm free and a part of me has died
tell me, what is it really like? to see your world go up in smoke? to create a picture unlike one you've ever seen, to feel that scream in your throat? to paint a picture you just cannot change no matter how many times it's been erased? to not give up, not give in but just let life take it's place?
i touch the canvas; it's rough at the edges, but it's smooth inside
which tells me i can still attempt a change of heart even after the paint has dried.