and here has come the time again. and here it falls, the sunlight so straight.
and here has run, the time so fast. and here it rolls, the moments so last.
so last. so strong. my rings of tone. to run around. like a peak dawn.
and i go so straight. and i am so silent.
now is the time, to go again.. now is the time, to show again.. the moment of numb, scrolling. the eyes so red, and it's falling.
the moment unsung, have reached the peak. the heart so flat, couldn't repeat.
and I... and I......
i'm catching the back door here.. i'm gonna show my stare into silent dark..
This is not a poem exactly. This is a song, I was saying these to myself and it became a song as my mind wasn't in a flowing phase. I was stucked and made this a song. Would it sing and upload on soundcloud too. gratitude