Mnyamata I miss you so much. 3 more sleeps and I'll be home.
You know I'm so afraid of sleeping in this room - I've built a nest of blankets around me. I've locked the windows and closed the door, I've moved things to block the closet doors, I have music and a fan for white noise and I'm still sleeping with a lamp on. I don't know what's wrong with me. How am I supposed to be an adult when can barely sleep with the lights off in my OWN room?
If you were here, I could sleep. Every door and window open, no blankets or pillows and I'd sleep better than I ever have. I'd just hold on to you and dream. I don't why I'm so terrified to sleep alone.
I need you too, you know. I don't say that enough. You say beautiful things like that all the time, and I don't. I want to, I feel the same way, I just don't say then as often as I feel them. I'm feeling it now. I need you. Pray for me.