When your youthful command of language is not enough to convey what swings its jaws inside you, when you stand pulling from your shelf volumes written by the great and inimitable— names that inspire centuries of admiration, minds that managed what you cannot, their icy clarity pummeling you like a stream of fists, you of tremble and grief and writhing weariness— when your age prohibits you from expressing your apocalyptic, purgatorial verve the way you want it, you don’t stop trying, you don’t stop trying, you let the sun drop and rise and then you launch your body at this wall again, you bruise yourself willingly and determinedly, you throw your whole weight into the crash, you work up a fury of hope, an improbable recklessness, you keep going and going and going and going never mind the blood in your mouth or bells in your ears because you are the whale that beaches itself by choice and you are right to be this way, you are brave to keep looking for gold