I am the devil hear me cry. I am the devil you wish me to die? I am the devil I cannot lie. I don't get goodbyes, no one misses me, no tears in their eyes. I don't get to wonder why. Cause I'm the devil the prince of lies. In shadows I make my home, my tomb is a bed of iron and stone. Watch me rise to my throne. I am more then blood. More then bone. I am the devil, hell is my home. I live where demons roam, I make my bed with fire and ice. One or the other either will suffice. And you can feel all my rage, flames that consume every age. I am the devil I make it so. The world will watch me grow. Like a flower in winter I only sleep now, I dream of days when the sun would shine. You with yours and me with mine.
My thoughts whenever my extended "family" decide to stop by.