I gave you up to see the difference a month without poetic words would be. The truth is this, many images thoughts and musings went to die in a sea of letters, crying to be saved. Cruel, though the exercise was, in denial I found a truth, words are a doorway to understanding and acceptance. Words truly are a universal bonding. Unlike a pill repeated every four hours, words need to be taken continuously. This I found was quite sublime, surreal and sensuous, the addiction to sounds in words, the addiction to vowels and consonants, the addiction. On holiday I read the in flight magazine and pictured myself in the basket weaving scene! I sat and made a rhyme out of the ingredients list on a bottle of HP sauce. My madness continued, with a limerick in the supermarket, but they were not written down and they faded away like ink on a parchment. So, gingerly I have returned to the sea of words to swim and describe the view from shore. Before my addiction to words leads me to carve in my soft skin; "Lexicographer is Legion" "Lexicography is King"