I, have issues. But probably not the kind you think. Mine were created by my father and big sister. By their relationship. I have strived for a better relationship to be better at everything than her. But I've given up. I no longer see the point When you're sixteen years old And you're more mature than your forty-three year old father. Even so I'm terrified I'll end up like my sister. Albeit she's doing well now She's a teacher and is happy and, she hates our fathers guts. I don't blame her though when you're father calls you a ***** And accuses you of sleeping around because you go to school early to get help. I can see why. It doesn't help when he sides with his sister-in-law And he tells you to "respect your elders" even though she tried to burn you with a firework. I do blame her however for that dark cloud over my birthday. See the night I turned ten she took those pills. She drank that strawberry Hill Boonesfarm. She tried to **** herself. But see I'm the only one who remembers the date I remember every detail of that night. Every image Every feeling, Everything. I remember the red and blue flashing lights. I remember the gurney I remember the cold of the night, until I went numb that is. I have no respect for my father when you do that to a child how could you. But I am terrified of that. Terrified I'll end up like her that I'll break that I'll be the one on the floor unconscious. He was trying to do better but I think he's given up too. And while my greatest fear is that I'll be like my sister. My second greatest is that I'll end up with someone like my father.