story without plot rhyme no reason they are beautiful I embrace them
though frivolous
perplexing how you believe they have meaning without existence of contrasting thought
Movement Two
would you part Gemini or hands from their work
without water land they till becomes dull mass of dirt
End of Statement Not of song
what lyric without voice has freewill without choice must I list the meaningless forever in
Movement Three
what is harmony without melody paint without canvass medium without foundation
What a thought! true freedom without direction majestic for a moment
only a moment
the pitfall of my unfinished labor makeshift vanity dissipated into forgotten dreams
make no mistake such creations bear certain appeal
yet unseen essence draws them into
the void
as memories fragmented in pieces
without one final sliver become
spare change
on the table
overlooked forgotten though of value upon assembly
Movement Four
what is a character without a tale? what is a novel without a soul to speak of which was first chicken or egg to those who say egg I say "nay" a chicken will thrive without young
the simple ellipse without a mother- hard-boiled in a salad
together they are whole the one gains life the other lives abundantly
The Grand Scheme! A Master Theme! can there be a creator without
Movement Five**
Is a book worth writing without characters to fill it? or would it be filled, with lands and backgrounds of ambiguity? Is a person annulled without life to retell, or become a mannequin with a simple, painted, face
p e r h a p s
joy within the stories hardship and experience manifest history and all live in footprints | | silhouettes dreamed | the Identities | in the wake | | of
The Protagonist
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