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Mar 2015
Where were you?
As a little girl I searched.
I wondered.
I could see you.
But I never knew you.

Dad, where were you?
Why couldn't you protect me?
Why couldn't I be your princess?
Maybe I should've been a boy.
Maybe I'd matter.

I could never be anyone.
But a part of you.
But it never mattered.
You are never here.
Why are you never here?

My father, the stranger.
I blame myself.
But how can it be my fault?
How can I relate?
I don't know a **** thing.

Who's fault is it?
Not mine.
You didn't give me time.
You couldn't even be a dad.
How sad is that?

Written by
Ash Tree Meadow  Eau Claire, Wi
(Eau Claire, Wi)   
     ---, Madeysin, SPT and Arlo Disarray
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