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Mar 2015
It's been a while
     (since you've left me good for dead)
We haven't talked, but
     (i can't get you out of my head)
Well, how are you?
     (you haunt my everyday dreams)
Has Life been treating you well?
     (my heart is bursting at the seams)
I heard that there's someone else
     (each night i die of suffocation)
Does she treat you well?
     (its the ****** six degrees of separation)
I suppose I'll take my leave
     (without you my life has been so mundane)
I'm sorry for bothering you
     *(how i can get past this pain?)
I can't tell if I'm having really bad mood swings or if I genuinely miss you.

I suppose you can read just the italicized words...?
Written by
qi  22/Non-binary
   Jess, ---, --- and Brielle Lachelle
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