I keep planning conversations in my head About pointless things or serious things Ideas and planning I always end up talking to you I play a movie in my head of the scenes that might happen with every move I make I think about what I would say and do if I got married to you " **** them all we did it!" Or the conversation I would have if I met your dad and I was telling him what I liked to do "well that's a tough question I have a lot of angles to me" Or the tougher conversations Like having the conversation about us being official " this would be easier if we were ACTUALLY dating" Most of these conversations never work out as planned, they never say the right things to set up my whole internal monologue and relinquish it all at once in a rehearsed flood. I care about having the conversation that I think most about "Can you stop being so mean?" "Can you stop lying to me?" "Tell me how you feel" "what do you want from me?" "Why do you even like me?" "Why did you come back into my life?" "Why can't you tell me how much you love me all the time?" "Why don't you ever tell me you're sorry?" But I never get an answer in my head or in my life It's just another one-sided conversation that I will have in my head