Silence - O', Even the silence has got something to say in words of winds blown off Northern array At first, it makes heart free from all worries, but the next moment - Everything seems to be burnt out into broken-furries
The diamond's costless so all spirits, but when it comes to poor-faith, Even the "love" goes down into shattered pieces
Echoes On Nights - O' the echoes of such restless ashes make some noise across the tight-lipped room And, the silence has got much to bleed, When the castles of night go disappeared by the doom
With time, as usual, beautiful morn knocks at the door The heart gets trapped inside the loop, Melodious beats of its phase go bounced up ov'r the floor & scream, O' the life's nothiing, but an empty cup of cold-soup.
Feb - 24 - 2015! Tuesday Night. Seemed like - 'Twilight'. Sounds interesting!