The doorstep of my heart hadn't been disturbed in a while. No one took my heart's doorstep seriously anymore. It had been covered in layers of dust and a tad of spider webs lay in each corner. A reminder of my misfortune. There dust was piles one layer on top of the other - no footsteps, no trails, no signs of visitors. In my darkest times, I wondered where the ones who once entered this forbidden sacred hiding had fled to. I felt obligated to question the existence of such a warm house if no one had taken notice of it's worth. It was no common ground for any person going about his business. Anyone who had been between the yards of it's foundations would know that it held secrets that were sworn to never be told. And anyone who had pledged to such secrecy was liable to a fine. A fine of being banished from this sacred place. Forever.
**Trick a heart like mine to trust you and it will show you why you shouldn't have led it on in the first place.
I'm trying to write a series here. I'll try update it like every chance I get. Share your views! So look out!