This is a night so cold and dark even if the sun shines so bright outside my fear gives me a blindfold.
I hear the voice scream pointing out my inability laughing at my weaknesses humiliating me for insecurity criticizing relentlessly my every mistake.
I am slave to its tyranny every word I say is twisted and put back into my mouth I don't give up without a fight so I can hurt myself even further.
I let it grow Let it spread like a cancer eating away at my life, my soul and every hope I had is crushed under the weight of this dark, dark twisted mind.
But I will walk on this path that leads nowhere I can go on, blinded, torn apart take this rotten body, take this thing called pride I can live in sewers, I can count my days and nights.
When this hell is over I can walk with head up high I know I tried my hardest I fought and I survived until the sun will rise...