I'm falling apart (again) and the tight seams of my mentality are quickly fraying in this silence. This silence is more than simply just that. It is built up of sudden unemployment combined with the empty spaces around me (that once held friends) and the lack of motivation to do anything (caused by the overwhelming listlessness of my Depression).
The hardest things are really quite simple: go to sleep eat at least one meal a day shower go outside once in a while breathe (deeply) get out of bed wake up call someone (to temporarily fill the empty spaces) feed the cat (which I manage to do during the few moments I'm awake) clean up a bit breath (once more).
The Depression has one outlet (that works) but for once there is not even the urge to engage in that self destructive action.
The search for a job is needlessly difficult, for each time I find that the scars on my arms, all over my body, make me "ineligible." The ones that seem not to care about such things are either paying minimum wage and are part time (neither of which pays the rent, car insurance, and other bills that always, always add up), or I do not have the certification or degree to have them (school is expensive and I will do whatever it takes to never live in the same building as my parents- even being homeless).
And friends? How can one make and keep or even briefly have even one, when they themselves don't have even the faintest idea of how to let others in? To trust them (any more than one would trust a person holding a gun to the back of their head)?
Sup. Life *****. Kinda amazed I managed to type all this crap. Go ahead and ignore it if you like. Also I've decided I really hate any sort of military/government because really they are all the same.