A mass pushing into me like a great lorry The leather jacket, the smell of the dead The skin so shiny like a glass filled with milk, White and whole and fattening, filling you up
But not full yet, one final blow to come And the covering of the legs like netting, Rips apart, an opening to another world, Begging me, asking for it, shaking with knowing
Had you not picked the fruit from that tree, Tasting its seeking, desperate sweetness Perhaps i would not feel your weight as I did And you would fall down like an infantile bundle of feathers
The epidermis, the subcutaneous layer, the blood Moving quickly then slowly then quickly Are you still there? I shouldn’t care A button falls from your breast, a trickle down your cheek
The eyes, the eyes! They follow me, the train, Moves slower as it pulls into the station And makes one final sound, a signal, I’d rip their eyes out and let them bounce onto the tracks like marbles
So many stains of blood and war and toil Lie across the carriages and out onto the moors, I wouldn’t worry, I’ll make it clean with disinfectant and run smooth again with oil