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Feb 2015
                          " 'I know not
                        what is coming,
                     but be  what it  will
                   I will go to it  laughing.
                     Better  to  sleep with
                      a sober  cannibal th
                      an a  drunk Christia
                      n •It is not down  on
                      any map; true place
                      s never are.  • Tell m
                      e not  of  blasphemy,
                      man;  I'd   strike  the
                      sun if it insulted  me.
                      ... and  Heaven  have
                     mercy  on us  all-Pres
                     bytarians and Pagans
                     alike  for  we  are  all
                     somehow dreadfully
                     broken, and sadly   n
                     eed mending • There
                     are certain occasions
                     in this strange mixed
                     affair   we   call    life  
          when a man                 takes this
      whole universe        for a vast Practical
   joke, though the wit  thereof he but deepl
y discerns, and more  than suspects that th
      e Joke is at no             body's  expense
            t h a n                         his own.' "
Herman Melville
The  Good  Pussy
Written by
The Good Pussy
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