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Feb 2015
Alone in this world, yet surrounded by friends
All worried about following the latest trends
But not me, I want to be free from odds and ends
The best styles depend on what the media says
They handpick the physically elite to place in a close-up lens
All calculated deceit, if you fall behind you’ll end up in the back seat
Now anyone can be elegant, employing technology to cheat
Revamped appearances are now displayed on our main streets
Transforming young girls views to make them feel incomplete
Natural beauty is harder to come by, morphing us to an effete society
Notoriety is easier to achieve, our adoration alters confidence to anxiety
I now question our propriety; forced variety plagues our high society
They extort and contort the public’s image to be shown on public transport
Deciding who wears it the best will soon become a contact sport
I fear for our culture, even the most allure now sells themselves short
One day this all may change, but for now the homely get a larger sentence in court
Media nowadays sickens me... no wonder so many girls have troubles with self esteem/confidence in today's society
Grant Horst
Written by
Grant Horst  Wisconsin
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