I am generally poised like the deep and steady ocean calm; but with whatever happens on the surface I do have a qualm. There are many ripples and waves that arise and subside but they are really all signs that there’s life down inside.
I encompass all the land that rises from my surface; which at times becomes much like a blazing furnace and provide moisture to the clouds and atmosphere above which in turn send it back down in grateful tears of love.
The storms of nature often pick me up to cause a disturbance which may have something to do with my own protuberance; but these are really the reactions to all the inhabitants on the land who with their ignorance are plundering everything by their hand.
Once in a while I have to shrug my shoulders and shift mantle which causes an earthquake on the land and a major upheaval; as I have no one who can scratch my back or understand my need because I’m plagued by parasites that are very troublesome indeed.
I don’t intentionally mean to do anybody any harm but have to follow my instincts and sound the alarm; in such a way that will get the message across regardless of any relative notions of gain or loss. ____________