I'm sorry, I let you down once again. I've failed myself and my mum, God knows how much I want to make her smile for all she's done for me but I'm sorry. I've stained your heart and and mind. I've corrupted you and gave you various issues. Depression, Anxiety and Panic attacks, OCD and ADHD. I'm sorry. I hope to see you smile one day, I'll fix myself and I'll make you laugh but for now I'm breaking you, I don't know what to break since everything is broken but I'm breaking the broken because I don't know how to pick us up... I'm sorry for the new tears, The messed up fears and nightmares. I just don't know what to do. I'm sorry I failed you and mum, I swear she needs more of our smile than we do so while you're breaking fake a smile for her, I've disappointed way too much. I'm sorry.