Time, Where I used to find my rhymes with relative ease, But lately there's been something haunting me, Making me blind to the pictures plastered on the inside of my eyelids It wasn't always like this The words used to overflow from the tight confines of my mind And now they're getting hard to find, The length of time between each coherent rhyme has steadily multiplied until now where I can only truly define one singe line at a time, People keep asking me, "Why don't you write more?" Because honestly writing has become a chore, until now Because instead of searching the insides of my eyelids I'm going to pry them open, Because love is a gift, love is a token The beauty of her eyes, the beauty of her mind, They might as well write their own lines Poetry is inherently the language of emotion, Anger, anguish, lust and beauty But you can see none of these if you don't open your eyes, Experience Life And write down every word you find