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Jan 2015
We all go through little lies and false ideas throughout the day. Is it wrong? I pretend like the best of them. **** I could be an actor like no other. Not only to hide feelings and emotions from anyone, but to even lie to myself that im doing a good thing by justifying my actions. I act big and tough truth is I hate fighting, only been in a handfull and lucky my anger did most of the work. Im a coward, I fear **** near every little thing including the dark...
*** is something im good at but I have to actually get into character to last longer, to fake love, or even that she is good enough to make me ***. I say im a real man, but a real man dosnt need a plethora of women to make himself a man. A man only needs one woman to take care of, sacrifice after sacrifice. Anything she needs your there at a moment notice. No texting behind her back to flirt with a girl. No saying your at the bar or a buddy house when your actually knee deep in some strange... iv been there to all those places. I even lie about being ok to be alone. Not suicidal or anything, but with boredom comes thoughts of sadness. Im a pretender through and through.
kyle Shirley
Written by
kyle Shirley  25/M/Kalamazoo
     Rj and ---
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