Loving you is like drowning And you're the air above the sea I can't reach you, can't get to you All because I was never taught how to swim All my lungs want is a breath of you But I'm only getting short gasps Because that's all you let me have And those gasps only last so long Before I need more air I need more of you But the ocean is pulling me in And you're not trying to pull me back One day I'll give up on you Let the salt water fill my lungs But I don't want to do that because Then my eyes will lose their light And my skin will grow cold Until I'm not living, just floating Deprived of you, the air Lifeless forever and ever So I will keep pushing To get those little gasps Just to get a few more seconds of life Because it's worth it for you to fill my lungs Fill my blood fill my mind Give me hope give me life Even if I know the water will win eventually I will keep fighting against this darkness Even if you will never try to save me And one day I'll finally get pulled under Drowning will be a relief of exhaustion And drowning will be my sweet death