Temper- now, now, there. He is man of raging waters- ease flees his body Like birds spooked by passing train. Time and truths drag down his shoulders as He walks his well-worn path to Earn his well-worn dollar. His arms limp to pick the tempest bottle That fill his flaccid faith with the warmth of a hundred singing choirs. Temper, now - hallelujah, hallelujah He fills his cup - king of kings- and pours it down the funnel of his spine, And like the clown that blows up balloon animals He blows up a lion blows up a fighting ****- He blows himself up into hope-into happy. Temper man, mine, I am branches of his trees Snapping in the sudden gale The storm that brews beneath his feet. I am what he preserves - what he destroys Makes me like one of his castles That drip-drop drip -drop rise in the sand I rise, towers blossom fragile Queen of Drip-drop Land - temper man watches it all wash away I am sullen and silent and stirring His madness alive as he tangos with electrified demons on the beach where I puddle. Oh how tiring it all is, And he'll wake to drag his medal with him As he walks the dusty road to clutch his dusty dollar So he may do it all again.
Shan 01/05/15
Thank you for sharing any thoughts or suggestions.