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Jan 2015
In a world of black and white
I am grey
striving for perfection
as I wake up each day
isn't that what they want?
perfect grades
so theres something to flaunt
because the person I am
Just isnt enough
so they label me
but they label me wrong
so I'm expected to be
someone I'm not
yet they still wonder
why kids fall off
the face of the earth
with their heads in the clouds
like some kind of bird
deformed at birth
falling from the sky
because theyre taught they cant fly
glued to the ground
like statues
perfectly sculpted
to do as they're told
robots, with blood in their veins
not zombies
because we still have our brains
they've simply been washed
cleaned out and drained
then rebooted to believe we're all still sane
and whose to blame?
for disrupting the natural flow
all these rules and regulations
just let me be free
there's already order
how much more do we need?
I forgot how to breath
amidst these trees
which are written off
as property
and sent through factories
that make and create
a paper thats green
that rules our lives
in a world of greed
its always want
but what about need?
are people so blind
that they truly believe
cash is the key
in the persuit of happiness
we all reach to achieve
This is my attempt at spoken word, I want to present something for my schools talent show. I would LOVE feedback. :)
Written by
   Brittle Bird and Haydn Swan
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