. **Crushes or infatuations •••don't last ••••this long. •They're never ••this intense •••••Never this strong. ••I am in thought, ••all day and all night. •••••Through •••••moments of ••••••triumph and •deepest, darkest fright. •••I see you in all there is, •••••I see you in everything. ••••••••Living in the present ••••but for the future I'm hoping •••You calm and get me all riled up ••••••••••••••••at the same time. ••••••••••••You exist in metaphors, ••••••••••••••••••broken sentences •••••••••••••and time worn rhymes. •••••••••••••••••You give me life ••••••••••••••and take my breath •••••••••••away altogether. •••••••••You hold the key to my erratic emotional lever. •••••••••••You fill me full ••••••••••but empty me out ••••••••••••simultaneously. ••••You make me want to be •••••••••••someone else ••••••••as well as being me. ••••••Paradoxes of the heart •••they can never be quelled. ••••When hopes and odds ••try to be one and meld. •••••This is how I know ••••••••that this is real. •••••••••••••I'm truly, •••••••••madly, deeply ••••••in love with you •and it's all that I feel.