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5.6k · Jun 2013
Alisha Jun 2013
Some raindrops fall faster and heavier than others,
and some raindrops are shinier or larger than other raindrops
some raindrops are part of refreshing April showers
some rain drops turn into pretty snowfall,
and some raindrops become harsh thunderstorms.
but all raindrops eventually hit the ground
and form puddles with other raindrops.
and when the puddle evaporates
the raindrops will fall once again
And maybe this time,
the once innocent April showers
will become crushing thunder storms.
2.1k · Jan 2015
Alisha Jan 2015
Endless months fell
like sand between my fingertips
as I tried to smooth out the creases
that covered my bedsheets
before I realised
that you were not a crease in my bedsheets,
you were the gust of wind that put them there.
1.3k · Dec 2014
An unwanted visitor
Alisha Dec 2014
Each time I approach the door handle,
she climbs onto my back,
almost choking me with her bony hands,
reminding me of the control that I lack.
And as the day progresses, she whispers her commands into my ear,
repeating them again and again,
just in case I didn't hear.
Each time I open my mouth, she threatens to explode,
for she fears that I will forget that my body
is merely her abode
I am to nurture her and keep her happy,
even if it kills me
for if i don't, i fear she will send me plummeting backwards,
like a ball from a golf tee.
Only when I close my eyes each evening,
does she hop off my back with an almighty heave
and I sigh with relief as I say goodnight to my unwanted visitor
who I fear will never leave
1.3k · Jun 2013
Alisha Jun 2013
If I were a flower
I'd be a single timid bud,
shying away from bloom;
refusing to unfold my trembling petals.
I'd be the bud of a rose,
turning my back at opportunities of bloom
even when the sun shined invitingly.
I'd be the flower
that was stuck in an omnipresent state of frost,
causing me to disintegrate  into nothing,
but a pile of remorse
1.2k · Mar 2014
Alisha Mar 2014
I was a single grain of coffee
floating in the porcelain mug
that was your heart
1.2k · Oct 2013
the concealer
Alisha Oct 2013
a mountain just like all others
who displays all of its mediocrity and indifferences
for the world to see

but will allow those who care enough to
stumble through its raggedy footpaths

to acknowledge the true beauty
that exists within the mountain top lakes
1.1k · Jan 2015
Alisha Jan 2015
Your eyes were laced
with fatigue induced red lines
that were not unlike
the red lines that laced the world maps I used to obsess over
before I realised
that the world that existed beneath
your fatigue laced eyes
was worth travelling too.
1.1k · Dec 2013
Alisha Dec 2013
eyes the colour of
black coffee
from which steam is spiralling out

but no caffeine rush from coffee
could ever compare to the
caffeine rush that those eyes inflicted
each time they meet mine.
991 · Dec 2014
Alisha Dec 2014
Her soul was coated with untouchable layers
that not an ounce of rainfall
or an abundance of footsteps could damage
but the ocean was her weakness
and every time his waves sung to her,
she crumbled into his engulfing arms
even though he never stayed.
971 · Sep 2016
April Snowstorm
Alisha Sep 2016
The 11th brought rainfall
while the 13th brought icy winds
and on the 15th, the sun surprisingly did glow
but most unexpected of all,
was the 16th's fall
of a deep white blanket of snow
and yet despite the 17th's confusion
and the 18th's dismay
the 19th's joy brought them in unison
and by the 20th they all thought
that the april snow fall,
though unexpected,
wasn't too bad at all
why does this sound like a children's book
968 · Mar 2015
Alisha Mar 2015
The milk hits the water
with an explosion of hues
and i can't help but notice that
that is how I feel around you
The milk and the tea battled for dominance
and of course the tea won
but the milk still existed within the tea
no matter how much it tried to run
This was inspired by watching a lady pour milk into her tea when I went to get tea with a friend a while ago.
966 · Jul 2013
Alisha Jul 2013
Stumbling into a perpetual state of exhaustion,
I rub my eyes from which fatigue is metaphorically spilling
and I stumble into a galaxy of captivating swirls
and bizarre colour collisions.
A whole new universe of irregular shapes
and rotatory walls.
A majestic planet
consisting of only unfamiliar colour spectrums.
Nice colour spectrums,
but unfamiliar colour spectrums.

And that
is how I feel
when I am with you.
859 · Jun 2015
Alisha Jun 2015
What was once a blissful flow of pitches and harmonies
spilling from tangled white wires and into my ears
became a flow of sorrow and tears,
spilling from my eyes and strolling down my cheeks
as the song and the memory joined hands
and became one,
refusing to separate
no matter how hard I tried to rip their intertwined fingers apart
789 · Sep 2016
Alisha Sep 2016
Great wings, had she
for flying, said they
as they watched her wither away

but stuck was she,
in the dark chrysalis, and they
watched her get worse every day

great butterflies, were they
while a mere catterpillar was she
and on the ground, for a long time she did lay

while their wings, they did spread,
and on, they did move
for which a great price, she did pay

because emerge and fly, did she
too long after they
had all gone and flew far away.
729 · Nov 2015
Alisha Nov 2015
When Summer arrives,
she extinguishes the rainstorm-
the blissful absence of which
not many will mourn.
I wish I was the sunshine of summer
that brings light to everyone's day
as opposed to the rain cloud
that gets in the sun's way.
628 · Dec 2015
The Search Party
Alisha Dec 2015
A search party was thrown
for her brain had wandered off,
to a horrible location
at which she thought they would scoff

The search party continued
but from them, she decided to hide
and out of fear of judgment,
she repressed and she lied

She hid from the search party,
believing their search to be futile:
surely they couldn't summon her misplaced brain
with the aid of a stranger's file

The search party found her when she was fifteen
and helped her find her way home
and after years of hiding,
she no longer felt alone

The search party was called off when she was sixteen
because their search was once again futile,
this time because it was no longer needed
and hadn't been for a while.
604 · Jun 2017
Alisha Jun 2017
my thoughts are a vicious ocean
and my words are dry sand
that the ocean cant reach without force
and so languidly, it retreats
and its waves continue to crash into each other,
destroying anything in their path.
idk i wrote a poem about how i have difficulty expressing my thoughts which might be an oxymoron

— The End —