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Feb 19 · 48
The whole of the moon
Amy Feb 19
I want the proper kind of love..
Proper kind of love can mean different things to different people
But I want the kind of love that's genuine
A love that's reassuring, peaceful, healthy..
A love full of unwavering support
A love where they kiss your hand and forehead unexpectedly
The one where they write you random love notes
The one where they take it slow
A love where they get you flowers, whether its from the store, handmade paper flowers or from the gardens.
A love where you both enjoy each others presence silently while looking at the stars
A love where they open doors for you wherever you go
The one where someone does something for you despite their likings
The one where they listen to every little detail about you
A love that's patient
A love that nurtures rather than controls
A love where you understand each other deeply
The one where we show up for each other
The one where we communicate with one another
A love that encourages you rather than stifles it
A love filled with warmth and trust
A love where we choose each other even on difficult days.
And when I encounter a love that feels like a gentle whisper,
like home, like peace,
I will know…
That, that's the kind of love I deserve.
Sep 2024 · 49
Silent love
Amy Sep 2024
The graze of him holding me makes me feel like I’m in a room filled with lovely jazz music
The scent of roses fills the air as he holds a single rose in one hand, his other hand warm and reassuring in mine.
Our gazes locked, creating a silent conversation of souls.
Our silent conversations speak volumes, a language only our hearts understand.
Through his every gesture, his love and care shines brighter than words ever could.
Silently loving me through the gentle kisses he gives me on my forehead.
His beautiful cheesy smile
His beautiful brown eyes lighting up when he sees me..
And just seeing him, feeling his presence gives me a sense of joy that lights up my whole sphere…
Sep 2024 · 52
El Baile
Amy Sep 2024
Birds chirping to the rhythm of the music
Trees swaying to the sounds of the melodies
People dancing cheerfully and befuddling, filling the room with laughter and memories
And silently Our body’s sway with one we are dancing to the music
Slowly becoming two bodies in one with the tune.
I can feel his body filled with warmth and comfort as he leads me, dancing my worries away.
I can still feel us dancing together to this day.
Bailando como si fuéramos bien enamorados
I can feel us dancing in the midst of the clouds as the sun goes down.
I can still smell his perfume and see that big beautiful smile of his when we dance.
There's no chance, That i will end this dance.
As it slowly becomes a romance.
Love was just one dance away..
Jun 2023 · 309
The Last Breath
Amy Jun 2023
I’m running out of time
a sudden rush of uneasiness
Eyesight fading
My thoughts invading
Hands trembling
Throat closing up
Feels like i’m mumbling
My voice is fading
Gasping for air
I want to yell.
Eyes swollen up
From all the tears.
Now I'm drowning in all my fears.
Someone come help
But no one hears.
Sinking into my sorrows
No hand to borrow
That sharpness in my chest
After seeing the darkness
this feeling of weakness
Making me breathless
Until i finally take my very last breath
Wishing it was painless.
Jun 2023 · 109
His Scar.
Amy Jun 2023
I noticed the small beautiful scar on his hand.
Admiring and wondering what had happened.
I want to know more.
Was it from your childhood?
Was it an accident?
I want to ask you.
I want to know what you’re feeling.
What’s on your mind?
You’re so hard to figure out.
A mystery
I can’t solve.
You look around a lot
Can never tell what your thinking.
You’re so different.
And complicated
It drives me crazy
I’m so impatient
But I wouldn’t mind wating.
You make me think so much.
Yet when I’m around you my thoughts vanish into dust.
Maybe it’s toxic.
maybe unhealthy.
But there’s just something about you.
a spark that you don’t even see.
My mind is always talking about you.
I wish you could hear.
Had a feeling about you from the beginning
There’s so much I want to say to you
But yet I can’t
It’s so beautiful being with you yet I have this feeling something is missing.
Jun 2023 · 121
Shes Still Blooming
Amy Jun 2023
She's still blooming  
She’s trying to understand
She needs to find out who she really is
and figure out what she truly wants.
She’s confused
And a mess.
She thinks too much
And People get tired of her because she can't make up her mind.
She makes dumb decisions
Making things more complicated
She doesn’t think things through
And she ends up feeling blue
She makes too many excuses
She doesn’t know what's the truth.
She stays quiet
Never says a thing
So Many people think she’s boring
But i promise you she’s amazing
Just wait till you see her bloom.
Jun 2023 · 108
Amy Jun 2023
Everytime I drown into that bittersweet taste
I get this fuzzy feeling.
Like my minds been erased.
My tears roll down as i stare into the ceiling
Just thinking.
There are other ways to let it out instead of draining
But if I don't I’ll feel like I’m sinking.
I’ve tried to stop but I just end up missing that feeling.
I don’t want to end up like my father.
So I decided it’s time to stop for a while.
Don’t want to be intoxicated and instead walk around with a smile.
Jun 2023 · 90
fit in
Amy Jun 2023
I’m still a kid
I still act like one
I miss getting in trouble at school
I don't like being serious
I like to mess around and laugh.
But i feel like people see me as a boring person
And i know i'm not but here I feel like it.  
I just feel like I don't belong here.
Maybe just maybe it's the mask that we wear.
Covering up who we really are.
They hide our faces and make us seem unapproachable
Jun 2023 · 204
Conscious mind
Amy Jun 2023
I can hear everything.
I can hear a baby crying, the clock ticking, my mother yelling, my dad tapping me on the shoulder, my sister asking me for help, my brother's controller clicking, and yet I hear my heart beating faster and faster. All the noises fade away while I stand there breathing trying to take in everything that's happening.
I feel like the world is going in circles, I feel like I’m spinning. Then I’m gone.
Jun 2023 · 132
Red Poppies
Amy Jun 2023
I can just imagine..
laying down on a field full of red poppies.
Feeling free
Feeling at peace with the world.
So quiet.
Feeling the warm light sink into my skin.
I close my eyes.
And I let go..
Of everything
Feb 2022 · 318
Sunny day
Amy Feb 2022
I didn't want to write anything sad today so heres this one.

Oh what a wonderful sunny day it is today.
The warmth of the sun hitting my skin, giving me goosebumps.
The way you’re beautiful face lits up when the sunlight lays on your face.
The way you smile and close your eyes to let the warmth of the sunlight to sink into your skin
You feel alive and glint
It feels good being in the sun.
Especially when it’s just us.
Jan 2022 · 430
Is it fair?
Amy Jan 2022
I’m being careful this time, I won’t let it happen again. I’m going to leave him before he leaves me. Is that fair?
Nov 2021 · 703
We can’t start over
Amy Nov 2021
I finally got over you, and you came back.. why? Why all of a sudden you come back when I’m finally over you?! I was happy you came back, but I realized things are different now. I don’t need you anymore, you hurt me. I can’t go back to feeling that pain again.
Oct 2021 · 616
Amy Oct 2021
I feel weak.
I feel sleepy.
I feel sad.
I feel this tightness in my chest.
Im shaking.. why did I do this to myself.
I can hear my heart beating faster and faster.
I don’t deserve this.
I feel dumb.
I feel sore.
Im tired
Im tired of everything..
we’re right back to where we started..
Oct 2021 · 357
Amy Oct 2021
I feel bad for her..
Why did she let him?
Why did she say yes so easily?
Why, why, why, WHY?!
She was so innocent..
She was so kind..
She was happy.
And he just used her like nothing.
He manipulated her.
Is it her fault?
She doesn’t know what to feel anymore.
All of her emotions are twisted together.
“I told you, to protect yourself” Everyone said to her.
I dropped down to my knees, I cried and cried and asked myself..
Is this how cruel life really is? Why did I let him in my life so easily..
Oct 2021 · 133
Amy Oct 2021
I feel embarrassed..
Should I feel embarrassed?
I let him do all these things.
I let him and i regret it.
I learned.
I learned to respect myself.
Oct 2021 · 138
Amy Oct 2021
I knew there was something wrong.
I knew it from the start.
I felt bad, so I let him in my life.
Something happened.
I knew it was going to happen.
I regret everything, all because I was too nice.
Oct 2021 · 85
Amy Oct 2021
I can’t sleep.
My mind stays awake, just talking and talking and talking, and talking!
She talks about everything, she talks about the past, the present, the future.
She says shes still in pain from the past, She says shes scared about what might happen later, she says the only goal in life is to leave home, but the thing is.. She doesn’t know what to do after.
She’s agitated, anxious, awoken.
The thoughts in my head keep me awake.
She doesn't want to stop talking, maybe she wants to talk to someone about those thoughts?
My teacher once told me, “If you have a lot of thoughts in your head and you cant sleep.. Then visualize a box. Pretend your putting your thoughts in that box. Then visualize you closing the box and locking it”
I tried it.. It worked. But that was a year ago.
And it got thoughts just end up overflowing, spilling everywhere, I start quickly picking them up to put it inside the box but they jump right out.
So.. I’m just there.
You know, looking at the ceiling, pretending there's stars.
I slowly close my eyes and try to fall asleep with my mind chattering keeping me awake.
Oct 2021 · 108
I get it
Amy Oct 2021
“No, you don’t get it” I said.
My legs are aching, hurting, feels like there’s bruises all over.
I feel..numb
I feel hopeless
I feel like I’m everywhere.
I feel crazy.
I want to scream and yell and punch the walls.
But.. I don’t.
I just lay back down in bed, staring hopelessly at the wall with tears in my eyes. Then I fall asleep..I just gave up.
Oct 2021 · 164
One day
Amy Oct 2021
Grey clouds with a dark blue Greyish sky. Is it raining? No. As tears roll down my face. Where is everyone? “They left” someone whispered. I walked home. Alone.

Then one day butterfly’s were swarming around, white clouds with a big bright sun. Holding hands, smiling with happiness. Warm kisses. “I love you” He whispered. We walked home. Together.
Jul 2021 · 80
Amy Jul 2021
I sat down on the table. I placed my art book and my pencil on the table. I grab my phone and I played music. As I draw while listening to music I felt goosebumps, I felt shivers down my spine, I felt cold, I felt sad, I felt.. alone..

I felt butterflies but bad ones.
Jul 2021 · 89
Only me
Amy Jul 2021
I stood there waiting for my friends, but.. no one came.
It’s okay I said
Maybe their all really busy!
Next day at school I walked around by myself feeling isolated. I just talked to myself, I didn’t talk to anyone else.
I ate lunch by myself.
I walked to class by myself.
I talked to myself.
I hung out with myself.
I did everything by myself.
I realized I’m always going to be there for myself and no one else is..
Jul 2021 · 324
I wish
Amy Jul 2021
I hear people laughing
I see people smiling
I see people hugging
I see people getting close
I feel lonely
I wish I had that I said.
I wish I had comfort.
I wish I had someone there for me.
I wish I was close with someone I said.
Sorry I can’t come to your birthday, they said.
Sorry I’m hanging out with someone else, they said.
Sorry I forgot, they said.
It’s okay, I said to everyone.
I’m okay, I said to everyone.
I mean.. I wish I was.
Mar 2021 · 101
Your just lazy
Amy Mar 2021
I’m tired..
My back hurts as if I fell off a sled and hit my spine on thick ice.
My legs feel numb as if there’s slugs ******* my blood..
I feel like if little kids were running around screaming, making my head hurt.
My eyes feel swollen like if I were crying all day.

“I’m tired” I said.
“Your just lazy” she said..  I fell asleep as my tears roll down my face.
Mar 2021 · 109
Amy Mar 2021
Although I know we are in a very hard time right now, I know we can do this, I know that we can get up and achieve our goals! Don’t let anyone push your dreams down. You need to keep going as hard as you can in order to get what you want and maybe in the mean time you will achieve something better! Be somebody nobody thought you could be.
Mar 2021 · 208
The rain
Amy Mar 2021
As I drifted off to sleep, I heard the noises of the pouring rain, I heard the loud thunder, And the wind sounds as if someone were whistling. As The trees shake from side to side, I felt the chilly breeze hit my skin and yet I felt cold but calm and so I smiled happily.
Jan 2021 · 96
Amy Jan 2021
Do you know that feeling when they text you and then you smile with butterflies in your stomach, then you put your phone down and fall asleep still smiling?
Jan 2021 · 101
Amy Jan 2021
I wish we can bottles up memories, like we can put the scent of that memory in a bottle so that we can open it up whenever we want just so we can feel like we are reliving that memory all over again.
Jan 2021 · 108
Amy Jan 2021
I feel like the room is shaking, I feel dizzy.. I feel like there’s snakes on my arms.. I feel sleepy, is there an earthquake? I can’t walk, I can’t think, I can’t stay awake. Last night when I went to sleep.. I dreamt of someone that I fell in love with.... and I remember his face but when I woke up I forgot how he looked like. I kept thinking of him.. in my dream.. we were on the bus we were listening to a song, with one of the ear pod in my ear and the other in his. I can’t remember the song..
Jan 2021 · 101
Another movie
Amy Jan 2021
You know how guys are,

They will make you feel loved and promise to protect you no matter what happens.

And when you’ve fallen in love, and your ready to give the world to them

They’ll just leave you.
That prince will just leave you.

Yet again, the princess is back to just hoping.

You know what..

All those fairytales that we used to believe in?

They weren’t real after all...

Prince Charming turns out to be..( someone )

Jan 2021 · 99
A movie
Amy Jan 2021
When a good thing goes bad it’s not the end of the world
It’s just the end of the world that you had with one boy
And he is  the reason it happened, but he is overreacting
And it’s all because he doesn’t want things to change
So cry if you need to.
Something I heard from a movie ;)
Jan 2021 · 106
He tried..
Amy Jan 2021
“Good morning”
  “How was your day today”  
   “What did you eat?”  
    “Your beautiful”
     “I want to hug you”
      “I want to kiss you”
       “I want to travel the world with you”
        “I miss you”
         “Let’s FaceTime”
           “I like you”
            “You mean the world to me”
             “I love you”

              ... “I love you more” I said

               “I will love you forever” he said
             “I won’t leave you” he said
          “If anything happens just know I love you” he said

               “Goodnight, and sweet dreams” he said

“Let’s figure this out”  
“I’m sorry”  
“I don’t want you in my life”
“I hate you”
“Bye” he said
“I love you” he said

And we never talk to each other again
I need help writing poems lol any advice?? I feel like it’s annoying using the word “ He said” a lot after each dialogue so I left it blank without he said
Nov 2020 · 83
The damage
Amy Nov 2020
She looked out the window,
And heard the wind rattling the doors like snare drums,
The trees moved along the sidewalk and fell,
Windows shattered everywhere like a broken heart, plants being squished by the heavy tree. Hurting them.
Oct 2020 · 99
The beautiful sky
Amy Oct 2020
The clouds, the color of the sky and the color of the sun or moon and stars to me looks beautiful. The sky can be blue, purple, pink, red and orange , the clouds can be scattered around the sky. The sky to me is as beautiful as loving someone. But when it is dark, rainy and cloudy it’s as if the sky is broken, but you can still see the beauty in it.
Oct 2020 · 245
Video games
Amy Oct 2020
~My heart belongs to you~
My heart belongs to you
Sorry not you
But My controller.

I sit down playing my game for hours, and hours, and hours.
With my red eyes, I keep playing prolonged.
My fingers are tired, my head is tired and my eyes are tired.
But I never stop.
I stop until I’ve reached my goal…., until I reach my desires.
I guess you can say that I am the type to keep going until I reach my goals in life.
And that’s a good thing.
And When I am done, I fall completely asleep with my arms holding on to my precious controller, all happy.

~Amy <3
This poem was made for my brother cause of how much he is addicted to video games

— The End —