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Apr 2014 · 733
You have gone and left me
Philly James Apr 2014
The beat of my heart,
Tore my chest apart.
I think that i'm getting a heart attack,
Now that we are finally apart.

You said that you would never leave,
You said all those silly things I still believe.
How could you leave and have me grieve,
Standing at your grave covered by leaves.

Young man/woman, I gave my love to,
You are the only one who can fit in my shoe.
All the time we spent together, time so few,
We were one and no longer two.

Now that you're gone far away,
I wish to come meet you there someday.
And when I do come, we shall replay,
That precious hour of our wedding day.

But now as I lie in my bed alone,
I still hope for a call from my phone,
In hope that you called for an ice cream cone.
Too bad for me, our house only has a scone.
Dec 2013 · 504
Philly James Dec 2013
Young ones,
Future of tomorrow, they say.
Older ones,
Nothing but the memory of yesterday.

The past and the future,
Crosses paths of generations.
This present time,
Is filled with various revelations.

Our thoughts defer,
Our opinions for from the same.
There is nothing that we can refer,
Life is only just a game.
Dec 2013 · 446
Philly James Dec 2013
I'm a teen with great potential.
The kind which always gets me in trouble.
No one truly understands my lingering thoughts.
Especially when I try to mumble.
Dec 2013 · 435
Philly James Dec 2013
My heart cannot comprehend the persons of this world,
But can the persons of this world understand my heart?
Dec 2013 · 362
Philly James Dec 2013
You hear nothing,
Not a word is shared.
Deep inside you are bleeding,
Piling up the pain in your heard.

You have no way in sharing,
The thoughts you think each day.
Your brain is already exploding,
With all your thoughts, 'Help you now' we pray.

You cannot speak,
Your tongue is twisted,
Your soul needs to be mended,
But what can you say?
How can you express your feelings?
No way, because when opening our mouth,
All that can be heard is silence.
Dec 2013 · 3.1k
Reflection of the soal
Philly James Dec 2013
We see ourselves as an individual,
The person people see as an equal.
Your opinion about self might differ,
Sometimes causing the heart quiver.

This courage we build up within,
Can be demolished by one true sin.
You need not have eyes to see,
The thing you were blessed with; beauty.

We are often called ugly,
And sometimes we are addressed as pretty.
One can really affect your self esteem,
Your pride and appearance slowly dying.

We are always told to listen to others,
But rules are to be broken, so are orders.
Just staying there and being insulted,
Is something hurting and really complicated.

Don't downgrade the looks of an individual,
You're not any prettier doing so at all,
What's inside is what truly matters,
Remember, don't judge books by their covers.

We see things wide and clear now,
Why saints to their masters bow.
There is one thing you must be told,
Find the reflection of the soul.
Dec 2013 · 495
Sacred moment
Philly James Dec 2013
The heart's pace quickens,
All your surroundings will melt.
Nothing is clear because it thickens,
All the heart ache you have dealt.

There is someone out there for everyone,
Just give fate one more chance.
And out of everyone there's this someone,
With your heart, they will dance.

Love makes the mind do things,
Things we won't necessarily regret.
But when saying your good tidings,
There is always one huge threat.

There will be things that you wonder,
What will happen between you and that lover?
You will wonder about your future,
Will you guys always stay together?

Well now's not the time for thought,
But it's really time to listen.
Your heart is speaking to you right now on this spot,
Your fears about love needs to loosen.

Taking risks is what life's all about,
You'll just need to adhere to this enhancement.
Love this person forever, and see how things work out,
Keep your mind focused, focused on this sacred moment.
Dec 2013 · 726
Nothing left to lose
Philly James Dec 2013
We live and we learn,
From the mistakes we earn.
No one's ever perfect,
But you could at least treat them with respect.

Seeing the way they struggle,
Getting into all types of trouble.
You, just stand there and stare,
Not wanting to get involved in what's happening there.

Sometimes this person is praying within,
That you with the heart will extend help to him.
Past and future, have gone and yet to come,
But the present is here, it will help with the long run.

Just one supporter is all that they need,
Even if the entire world doesn't hear their plead.
Deep down inside they were waiting,
Waiting patiently for your awakening.

Helping out those who can't succeed,
You mustn't take it as boastful greed.
Because if you say that you helped someone,
Its by right you don't spread it out all wrong.

The note here is so simple,
You're not only special if you have a dimple.
It only depends on the path you choose,
Only when there's nothing left to lose.
Dec 2013 · 2.1k
Taken away by the wind
Philly James Dec 2013
My kite, was new and spotless,
It was one of the things I held dearest.
Being selfish, I never once did share my kite,
Having it destroyed was one true fright.

Even on warm windy days,
I won't borrow it to my friend who plays.
This greedy feeling built up inside,
Blinding other things from my site.

Moving along with my kite in hand,
I flew it above some grassy land.
The weather was perfect, the sky was clear,
My mind was free, I had no fear.

Birds chirping, filling the air with tune,
My kite, by the air, it was consumed.
Out of no where on this perfect day,
My kite popped the string and flew away.

My heart was broken, to a level I couldn't compare,
'What have I done, to deserve this despair?'
Starring at my kite soaring through the sky,
A trail of tears escaped my eyes.

Now I see what selfishness does,
It separates you and the things you love.
I was so blind to see,
What my greedy heart had done to me.

Standing there, staring at the kite that once was mine,
I couldn't help but smile and feel divine.
My selfishness, the kite, all my troubles were taken away,
Taken away by the wind that very day.
Dec 2013 · 474
Putting the past behind you
Philly James Dec 2013
Walking, this simple movement,
The accepting of life's advancement.
We, as a people; take new steps,
As we forget about our regrets.

Seeing, what is laid before us,
Removing ourselves from the musk.
Knowing what is better,
Leading to a brighter future.

Talking, a way to communicate,
Having a chat or a serious debate.
We are careful about the things we say,
Being afraid that it might haunt us day by day.

Feel, the things that you have earned,
The priceless treasures you'll never burn.
Cherishing what is held dear to the heart,
Things that will never stay apart.

The simple things we do each day,
Can some day be taken away.
Unexpected or not,
People still die and then they rot.

The message now is clear,
We live our lives year to year.
Some of you not wanting to move on,
Still taking the blame for something which went wrong.

Now is my place to say,
Live life and be happy everyday.
There isn't need for unnecessary stew,
So start putting the past, behind you.

— The End —