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  Nov 2015 Perveiz Ali
So you say you wanna get away
We don't need a plane
I could be your escape  
I'll be your favorite getaway
I'll be your fantasy
Underneath the Pom trees
You can leave your worries
So you say you want to get so high
Breath me in like air tonight
I bet you never even knew,
That there’s a universe inside of you Would you let me take you to a higher place
You and me are poetry
What's a king without a queen
You could be my everything
  Sunset in your eyes
Light me with your loving
I'm searching for the thrill
It's you, you make me feel
You make me feel
Touch me with no hands
Hold me with your eyes
Show me and I'm all yours
All that you are
Is all that I need
Perveiz Ali Nov 2015

To be free of this insufferable pain I tolerate,
Such aches and pains I can't even rate.
I grind my teeth as I **** it up and tolerate,
Is this to always be my sad lonely fate?
The world has dealt me a sad hand,
My Psyche lost  in the wind as grains of sand.
Wounded inside I bleed unseen by eyes,
I cry out to those foreboding dark skies.
This aesthetic world sees not my sorrow,
Must I always smile even as I fear tomorrow.
Should I not face my calamities boldly?
Stand for what I firmly believe steadfastly.
Let my convictions be my salve,
Allow pent up emotions a release valve.
Fill my being with new love so beautiful,
Rebuild a connection that is decidedly wonderful.
©Perveiz Ali
Perveiz Ali Nov 2015
The Pawns

Who you are to your leaders?
Naught but a vote to be courted?
Once secured and rank obtained,
They then bully you for petty gains?
Buried in a sea of atrocities and humiliations,
No shame is displayed by them,
At dismal failure of their promises.
Why should they feel shame?
As you repeat this unending cycle,
A willing participant in this insanity.
You are in a mire, you helped create,
Where fascists and murderers are torch bearers.
Projected as messiahs for restless souls,
You the voters aiding the killers,
Of your conscious and noble soul.
©Perveiz Ali
Perveiz Ali Oct 2015
My Valued Muse

Can I call you my home?
As home is where heart is,
Shield to my tender wants,
The ****** of my inner thoughts.

Can I call you by my name? As name publicly identifies,
My tag, in every good or bad,
You chose to happily claim.

Can I call you my investment? As investment is for future security,
Planned and evaluated carefully  
No regrets, I venture capital  happily.  

Can I call you my achievement?
An achievement I am  proud of,
To open sky, I announce quite often,
Loud and clear your
Goals are met

Can I call you my heart?
As heart is the regulator of all
One's thinking and actions,
Without any change of outer being.

Can I call you my body?
As miles apart, I bleed from a cut,
One you experienced whilst cooking,
My body forever linked to yours.

Can I call you my public officer,
As you announce my name in parts unseen,
Fame simply from being a disciple of love,
My name you broadcast to thousands.

Can I call you my book?
With chapters and pages,
Organized with my attitude and silly wits,
Chapters in a storyline that carries my act.

Can I call you my Iife?
As every possession of yours is valued,
As dear to me in every way,
As it is to you ... My existence  rests with you.
©Perveiz Ali
Perveiz Ali Sep 2015
Human beings.....
In a race to change
The very definition of humanity,
Only to get baptized in insanity.

Rhapsody of the Parliaments and Government,
To bring a system of popularity,
Full of hate and inequality.

Mobilize the art of duality,
Impress the subordinates with cruelty,
Pave a way to ambiguity,

Refines the art of deception
Brainwashing the public view,
Discourages insightful review.

Racing the horses of wishes
Full of illogical ideals,
Manipulates as treasure steals.

Busy projecting arcane results,
Doubtful about own native cultures,
Relishing the limelight like vultures.

Passionate to be remembered, Names on streets and buildings,
Boards and Committee starlings.

Social works....
Administer the theoretical concepts,
Bridge the recognised social rifts,
Actuality is subjugation and wanton theft.
©Perveiz Ali

— The End —