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Mar 2014 · 563
tabula rasa
Release me (x2)
from these barb wires (x2)

empty minds
blink (and open your eyes?)
and see nothing inside
nothing to find (x2)
blank pages no thoughts no words

army of slaves
army of slaves
Mar 2014 · 237
down there
down there
sights from above
sights from above

they seem tall
they seem strong
and the frail little child that I am

Orange and red
could be
a nice mix up
i think
it should be

down there
sights from above
I'll look at them with inspiration
and a lot of love
Mar 2014 · 318
the road taken.
Everyday a generation comes
and goes
Everyday the sun comes
and goes
so comes the moon and
does the same
Everyday I wonder
Why are we still walking
the same path
that our elders walked
sand repeat the same mistake
our elders did
speak the same
do the same
we never change
Our life is a road always taken and never taken
Never taken
Our own lives.
Each day passes by
and it is all the same
there is nothing new under the sun
there is nothing new under the sun
there is nothing new
under the sun
מַה שֶּׁהָיָה הוּא שֶׁיִּהְיֶה וּמַה שֶּׁנַּעֲשָׂה הוּא שֶׁיֵּעָשֶׂה וְאֵין כָּל חָדָשׁ תַּחַת הַשָּׁמֶשׁ
Mar 2014 · 253
Born for war
my heart was born for battle
my heart was born for war
why should I give up
after fighting so much to get this far

So many years
so many tears
finally i have conquered
all these fears

i can stand tall
i can stand proud
I can scream

my heart was born for battle
my heart was born for war
I achieved what i was
fighting for

all these years

written on a napking in some bar.
whisky and beer.
Feb 2014 · 355
tear drop
blood drop
blue royal blue
deep purple
pretty in pink
glass jaw
jaw drops
no law

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

no colours
no order
new order
is me.
Feb 2014 · 527
(inspired by) Magritte #1
cover my thoughts
the fruit of knowledge
covers my face
I can,t keep up
with hypocrisy's pace

break it up break it up

I wish I could smile
just once for real
it feels so vile
just for a while
make it real

How can you just move on?
A highway to ignorance
200 mph
until you crash into reality

I am the forbidden fruit of knowledge
Or am I being covered by it
Do I even have any?
maybe it's all a lie
Imagination to face reality
show me your
true face
face the truth.
Feb 2014 · 330
I must be dreaming
Some day
nothing will happen
nothing to say
No hate towards each other

Some day
nothing will happen
And we will be free
to do what ever we want

Hand in hand
See a band
watch a film
strawberries with cream

Gaze at the sun
watch it fall down
dont frown

and most of all
tell someone you love them
give them a flower
mhmhm smells nice
doesn't it?

I must be dreaming
optimist? mayyyyyyybe
Feb 2014 · 981
Tear the clothes
Rip off my skin
Had enough
Had enough

I see you looking at me
But not really just pretending
To avoid
Your heart is a black void

Red hair, brown coat, blue jeans
All these colours and you're greyer
It seems
So real but not really.

All the colour from my hair
Seems to fade away
The roots begin to show
Don't look back.

I hope the next redhead isn't as awful as you are.
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
Shiny star
I remember once
They all used to say
I was the brightest shiny star
That I will go far
and reach the sky
As time passed by
I got bigger, taller
And I realised


A child depressed
by greater forces
known as society
soon I saw
That lies defy gravity
As time marches on
Life gets harder
And evil gets further
Inside me
It marches on
in my veins
And I see
Childhood dreams
torn apart

Drawn together
Are the pieces
Made of me
Flesh and blood
sweat and tears that form a sea
Of despair and bitter joy
forming a personality
This is me
You're all the same
pattern, form,
And society is to blame
For my depression
lies within me

I'll just be myself
I'll stay myself
Because that is all I have
And it is the force which keeps me
From splitting in half

Time marches on
And so do I.
Until I'll die.

— The End —