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948 · Aug 2015
Ophira Aug 2015
I swear, we're just missing one thing
Just one last piece, and it'll all make sense.
I don't know, she says
But what she didn't know was the truth
But she wasn't alone because neither did you.
Cereal, you say
Then what's the big deal?
It's just ***, after all.
No, it's personal, to me.
Oh, like my weeds and my love for you
You're trying to hide yourself from me
But that's what you're worried about, isn't it?
That I'll see your rushing blood as You, You the Libido
No, love, you're not, and it's time you knew
That I love you more than you love yourself
So don't go hiding from this light
Let me find you out, open and honest and bright
So one day I can hold you at night
And look in your eyes
And know that I'm the only one
Who's ever had this much of you
821 · Aug 2015
Ophira Aug 2015
Just let me see you
Let me look in your eyes
Because after five minutes
Everything will be alright
Skype is bae =P
724 · Sep 2015
Ophira Sep 2015
I can't be the first
But I'm always your Only
And I'll remember that thought
In the times I feel lonely
698 · Aug 2015
Our Opiates
Ophira Aug 2015
Look at me
And your words mean nothing
And neither do mine
And neither do theirs

Look at me
And let me check the weather
Hi, how are your demons today?
I can't see them through the stars

Look at me
Because when you do
I can feel your breeze on my skin
And we breathe again

Look at me
It's the only way I can still touch you
And feel you in a way
That no one else ever will
506 · Aug 2015
Pebbled Table
Ophira Aug 2015
"Nobody has brown eyes like yours"
I blush for you and part with those eyes
for a view of the pebbled table
I take a sheepish sip of our tea and slide it across the rocks
You take a long drink
like I should've done
Your mouth isn't this dry.
God, I want to . . . I lick my cracked lips and go for another shot of your eyes.
They're smiling. Your mouth is still but there's a crack in the straight line of your lips. I pretend not to notice.
And a wide smile breaks across my face.
You exhale in amusement and change the song,
Skip . . . skip . . . skip . . .
Skip . . .
I laugh. Trying to set the mood?
Skip . . . skip . . . off.

— The End —