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  Jan 16 Nylee
Nat Lipstadt
~For Lila and the others~

there exists
a subset of us,
those who
for whatever reason
do not write,
but “just” repost
other’s work

Above see the word
for this selfless task
is justice inherent

For this act of bringing others
to our over constrained attention is an
action of justice,
or more profoundly
doing away with
injustice  of
our human limitations

We could spend days entire
pursuing the works of others,
but life and the extraordinary demands
of writing anew, when the spirit is upon us,
are oft unable to spot, isolate, and
the best of the rest,
and bless those
who reorient our eyes
away from our own bounded rivulets,
to the tried and truly,  away from
habitual familial familiar good stuff,
but bring us revelations of gems,
caught within the mass maskings of missives that grows hourly, exponentially to
out attention,
to reorient
our attention,
to their filtered selections

Let us say in unison then
a blessing of gratitude
to The Reposters:
*Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the Universe, who has granted us life, sustained us, to give thanks to those who enable others, to reach us this season
Nylee Jan 8
Sometimes I think I run too fast
Sometimes I pause for too long
The frequency of heart beat varies
but it is the right one at the time
The graph goes up and down
My brain goes round and round
It's twisted but a straight line
Many doubts but faith underlined
The universe is a deep inhale and inside
Pass through the flower valleys of soul
The feeling of complete and whole.
  Jan 7 Nylee
Early on I knew we were not suitable
But still I grasped for every moment with you
Water for a thirsty desert traveler

I followed you on a journey that went nowhere
For only to walk with you

Parallel lines never touch
But they never leave each other, either
  Jan 7 Nylee
Jasmine Marie
dip my toe in the mystery of immersion
dabble in dappling with dew

a cog in the wheel of cogitation
a mustard seed will birth anew
Nylee Jan 4
For it was backwards,
The time, what difference would it make?
The old-age and babyhood are like parallels,
And the middle, we pave.
Slowly losing memory at both ends,
It will be as good as anyday.
But around us, we'd be restoring beauty back.
  Nov 2024 Nylee
Solange Loe-Sack-Sioe
Rather dance
happy and freely in the rain
than to carry the burden
of an umbrella.

This life is too short. Know your priorities.
  Nov 2024 Nylee
Vanita vats
Soul is the mirror
Which shows me every particle of dirt on the face of my mind
Sometimes I ignore
But could not ignore for long

Then with the good deeds of face wash
I try to remove the dirt of those thoughts which makes it dark

On weekends I give services
to God like father
With face cream of his blessings I try to make face of  my mind glow.

With scent of his smile
I carry the fragrance to offer
in the feet  of my prabhu.
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