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Oct 2019 · 195
Battle Cries
NR Dudley Oct 2019
The pounding of boots
match my heartbeat
as we march on enemy land
new soil underfoot
with gun in hand
We reach a clearing
with an unpleasant sight
bodies litter the ground
in waves of red from the fight
and as more troops come
we release our battle cry
With a tear-streaked face
I charge up the hill
and try to ****
I fight for my land
my family
and friends
as they do too
I can't believe I've gotten
this far alive
my clothes and spirits in tatters
we charge up the hill
and take the fort
why do we fight
when so many get injured
why do we fight
when so many are killed
why do we fight others who are
against us
and not make peace
Because that's not what humans do
We would rather fight and let innocent men die
then to have a world of peace
Oct 2019 · 194
-The Bridge-
NR Dudley Oct 2019
the light from my soul
casts a shadow on my heart
and i weep
because your gone
i'm all alone
in the rain
on the bridge where we met
your spirit shimmers
as if the sun
is trapped inside of you
i suppose that's so
my face is stained with tears
forever flowing
life tainted by your absence
i can't bear it anymore
i jump
as i plunge in the river of grief
your spirit pulls me up
and i'm on the shore
seeing your face fade
with the shadows
For anyone who has lost someone they loved, know that they are always here in spirit and in your heart ❤

— The End —