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The Invisible Poet
18/Gender Fluid/the land of my thoughts    people might not understand, but my pen and paper always listen
Rickie Louis
41/M/Milkyway    Just another daydreaming simpleton. I like it best here, because none of you know me, but could end up knowing me, better than those that …
17/F    of eternal passion and ancient mysteries.
Nancy Maine
F/Oregon    I am the fleeting, I am the free. Bound to nothing, yet all of me. A breath, a ripple, a song untamed. A force unseen, …
Agender/USA    poet... not really. author... not really. something in between... yeah, probably. all poems are creative commons BY-NC 4.0.
Reynaldo Casison is the Author of 'A Poets Quest for the Eternal Flower', 'Joy of Writing Haikus', 'Romantic Love Poems', 'Songs of Pleasures and Longing' …
Vianne Lior
16/F    Stuck between reality and reverie
29/M/Tehran    A repentant of the original sin
Clay Micallef
i'm crazy. and I'm also "A."
62/M/Traverse City Mi.    Photo of my family Banshee, Wicca and Lilly, we hunt and forage the northern forests. Try to keep up with us if you can… I …
Syafie R
23/M/Malaysia    Syafie R. writes with raw emotion, exploring the fragile balance between healing and inner turmoil. His poems delve into the quiet spaces of the soul, …
Theanm Ankh Is Also Human
19/F/A Small Corner of Hell    Gregg Araki superfan. 19 and decrepit. Holden Caufield apologist. Super Duper Doomed!!
15/F/India    Just a girl wanting to be heard by poetry cause no one else listens
matt r
25/M/UK    husband to semicolons
I just recently found poetry for myself and want to share some of my work (:
23/M/North Korea   
17/F/United States    I'm a senior in high school. I play piano I like to sing I've always had a strong need to figure out all the whys …
Shane Lease
29/M/United States   
40/F/Харків, Україна    Kare he tikanga i roto i te rau tau. Geduld ist ein goldener Schlüssel, der mit der Zeit jede einzelne Tür öffnet.
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