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nivek Jun 11
the neighbours cat stalks birds in my garden
the fledglings are so innocent
-they have no idea a tiger wishes to eat them.
nivek Jun 11
the washing machine has its own songs
along with the fridge freezer
I allow these songsters to sing in my space
because they do me a service.
  Jun 11 nivek
I had lovers from the seven seas, yet everyone sank my ship.
Don’t get offended if I am suspicious of your grip.
I am not used to getting cherished in a heap.
Cause the fleeting attention will always perish.
Leaving a void, which I will try to mend with a clip.  
Too good to be true; it always turns out to be a blue.
nivek Jun 11
multi sense experience
all clamouring for attention

you can close your eyes
to ease your burden

to rest a weary mind
cutting down sensory overload
nivek Jun 11
attraction is a double edged sword
attracted to beauty, yes
moved to pray for the dead, yes
Attraction can lead you into the heart of hearts
the centre of the Universe, into the arms of love
attraction is a path to follow
but discernment is to be asked for in prayer.
nivek Jun 10
you soon come to realise that it is the Spirit of God living in your heart
that is one and the same love you have for flowers
nivek Jun 10
for some God is distant so distant for some as to be almost an irrelevance, the world can be demanding

God can be found where uniquely you find your love
be that Butterflies in Summer or kneeling in a Cathedral, or both.
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