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nivek Jun 10
played hide and seek all along the road
travelled with an unknown companion
given strength to keep on keeping on....
until the child rediscovered its hideaway
portal where love waited long my arrival.
nivek Jun 10
words writ large
- across the forehead
picture of a crucifixion
- dead to the world.
nivek Jun 10
squirrelled away
- at the back of beyond

beyond the end of the trail
back further still

beyond dreaming
beyond wild.
nivek Jun 10
starting counting down to the end
takes a certain age to have lived to
unique to everyone, I guess
nivek Jun 10
describing life as 'short'
comes close

knowing it as 'short'
is something else.
nivek Jun 10
more an apparition than anything else
-popping up here and there
-the one and only island shop
-the garden
-wandering dreamlands at night.
nivek Jun 10
a Chimpanzee has the strength to rip a Human apart
literally into pieces
and in the wild its all about dominance and hierarchy.
Some folks think keeping an ape as part of the family
a good idea, along with all the other 'good ideas' put into practise by Humankind that turned out to be anything but good.
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