Haunting, Fleeting, extraordinary, mild
Your images flow in the sea of my mind
How your body float gracefully from behind
A laugh comes out from your mouth,
Catching some air before swimmings towards me
You did love the water as you told me
My arms wrapped around your waist
And I kissed your pinkish lips to taste
My love, I'm sick from our memories
I could not anymore sleep,
Now my heart and mind are in deep,
Your image flashes as I shut my eyes completely
Darkness resembles your presence
Leaving me broken and oblivious lost its essence
Knowing tonight, you're with someone else
I'm turning the lights off
shrugging the thought of you off
call me a coward for not fighting for you, lover
But the moment when I saw you with one another,
I knew that it was over.
I guess I was in love with you swimming
Enjoying the rain while skinny dipping
You are now a memory I'm trying to perceive
I was not a loss for you, they say,
But I dodge a bullet for not letting toxicity to stay.
Good bye.
I remember my ex-lover.