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a faint pencil line
marks dusk's far off horizon
in day's curtain close
 Nov 2016 Nikita Vyas
And these bottom lines
I so vaguely define
Full of missing spaces
Vanished in time
Perhaps too much of me
On these pages to bear
My ink pen desperately
Pleading for air
Still my heart
Revisits despair

And where is the empathy
You said was missing
After a cold hard look
At my dispositions
Shall we still pretend
That a heart can truly mend
I'd love to embrace
Such a beautiful end

For my falsehood
I'd surely atone
But these unfinished poems
Get written in Rome...
Traveler Tim
While in Rome do as the Romans
 Nov 2016 Nikita Vyas
Upon the sea wall the breakwaters pound
She holds my hand my soul is bound
A salty summer breeze,  fresh and alive
Her hair blows wildly across the sky

A beacon buoy dances upon the ocean swells
Anchored to its destiny attempting to rebel
Seagulls attracted by its ringing bell
They take their haven in this beacon’s hell

Her brown eyes scan the horizon then back at me
I don't know what she sees in me
Truth is I hunger to be free; you know, like the sea
Yet like the buoy I could never leave

I start to say, you know our dreams are quite insane
But she quickly covers my mouth, “Shhh, do you want it to rain?
The sun is shining, the sky is blue and I will always love you”
I think to myself, what more could I ever want to hear
Still my heart is somewhere out there

And again the hungry sea calls out to me
Take a chance and come be free
Yet then again, where would I be
But alone upon the hungry sea...
Traveler Tim
Aug 2014
almost lost,
into the
crystal-clear still waters,

at this tranquil spot,
she could sit,
and just be,
for hours upon hours.

of her fragile soul
blanket this lake
with its sparse creases,

these waters border
the forest - deep
into those woods,
her heart, it reaches.

As the lightest
tender breeze
stains the satin spread,
her slightly tainted soul
smiles - through her eyes
you can clearly see this.

With the mildest
most gentle breeze
her anxiety is carried
far, far away;
her restrained breaths
are freed - her anxiety
suddenly ceases.

Her soul's reflection
in the
crystal-clear still waters,
abruptly freezes,

the lake,
a satin finish,
the gentle breeze
is now gone -
her tender soul
is at ease,
her gentle heart,
this pleases.

This precious
peaceful moment
she seizes,

capturing it as a
mind, body, spirit,
and soul pleasing experience,
before her mirrored reflection

By Lady R.F ©2016
 Oct 2016 Nikita Vyas
Autumn Rose
Burning my
eternal body
of blazing stars
on a painter's
canvas of the
night sky.
Silver rays of
moonlit dreams
sing the hypnotic
mermaid melody
to the broken
mirror of
Where waves of
marble bitterly cry
into the deep,
do not disturb
her pearly sleep...
I searched
the deepest depths
of the vastest oceans,
I searched way up high,
past the clouds,
in the bluest of blue skies,

I searched
deep in the hearts
of nature's greenest forests...
It turns out,
that I was carrying it within me
all along - only now, do I realise.

By Lady R.F ©2016
Such a lovely surprise to receive the daily
for my first poem upon returning to HP.
Two dailys in total in my time here...I'm blown away! Thank you all soooooo much!
Such an honor and a privilege

I'm so glad to be back home, here at HP!
I missed this site and everyone soooo much!
I'm sorry I left unexpectedly,
I really missed you guys!
Rosalie ***
We are unstoppable when we are in control

Others may or may not know
What we have done
But only we know
What that meant

You have slept through nights
But it took few sleepless ones to do so
For comfort follows struggle

We have all won the fights,
we never fought

He did what he had to
He chose the way he lived
He chose the way he didn't have to live

Then a man
Now a lamp


It's Gandhi Jayanti
Let's be better
Mahatma Gandhi
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