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 Mar 2014 -
This Love
 Mar 2014 -
I love you
And when I say that
I mean that I will always forgive you,
And that I will always see the best in you
And that I can never stand to be angry at you.
I love you,
And I will prove it every day
Whether or not you even notice.
I love you
In a way that scares me
And should scare you too
Because if I had the power to destroy the world for your sake
I might just do it
And have no regrets,
And all that said, I want you to know
That when I say I love you
The faith in my words comes from a place of knowledge,
Not foolishness,
From a place that has been ransacked and raided and razed,
From a city that has been burnt and rebuilt so many times that
The ash in the soil could grow a forest in a day.
This love comes from a wise place,
Not a naive one.
And yeah,
It's still here.
Just because
it's cool that you can
doesn't mean
it's cool that you *do.
 Mar 2014 -
Savannah Charlish
You know you're a poet
When dictionaries
And thesauruses
Bring you more comfort
Than people
 Mar 2014 -
I was warming up tea and I put it in for a little too much time.
But it was too long so my tea boiled over and made a mess.
But that didn't mean I could never make tea again.
It just meant I had to wipe it up better and be more careful next time.
This reminded me of life.
That sometimes things bombard your life and everything happens at once.
And what happens?
You break
You boil over
But no matter what it is, not matter how much it hurts.
You just have to pick yourself up.
Brush off your hands.
And smile a little longer.
 Mar 2014 -
Megan Grace
 Mar 2014 -
Megan Grace
you and i,
we are open
hearts on
floors and
we step lightly
for fear of
unsettling the
room. one
day, though,
we will
no longer
be afraid
and we will
pick up
everything we
left sitting
out, and i
will hand you
all that i
have with
the knowledge
that you will
never drop
it, never lose
it, never take
it for granted.
i like knowing
that someday
i will be safe
with you.
"I still believe
that, you know.
That one day
we'll be
 Mar 2014 -
not really*

While you

are you

and I

am me
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