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 Mar 2014 -
Joseph the Dreamer
He was renowned for his humility
even to his friends, he was fatherly,
he walked through life limping,
and yet in some way, his limp was triumph.
he had been told he would never walk again from his early 20s
he walked until the day he died what felt late in his 60s
he never abandoned those he loved
a father like no other
even when he was unsure if he was enough
he boxed my ears occasionally
sometimes he chewed me out for doing foolish things
but never did i think he did not love me
he told me almost every day until my teens
and then his voice got quiet, and i saw him less often
but he didn't have to say it
by then i understood
his was a love that -though a bit tough
a bit rough around the edges
stood. would always stand
perhaps a bit broken
but always, always there.
Daddy, without you
i would not be me.
 Mar 2014 -
Anthony Garcia
Everyone has a dark side
But there's no shadow without light
With you, the shadows of my heart subside
I wish to once more hold you tight
To again witness the beauty of your eyes
Eyes I could lose myself in, if time allowed
Eyes so blue, they rival the open skies
When I catch your gaze I'm instantly wowed
When I'm with you, pure ecstasy surges through my veins
Unsure if I'm dead or alive, in heaven or just dreaming
For the tenderness of your touch alleviates my pains
Your touch that tickles so much I feel like screaming!
At last, when it's time to part our ways
I hold your hand for as long as possible
Because the euphoria will soon die and leave me in a haze
If only I could defeat time, the unbeatable obstacle
So that our joy will never have to cease
However, all good things must come to an end
I know I can't stay, I need to release
And pray for a chance that I might see you again
 Mar 2014 -
No one notices
 Mar 2014 -
No one notices the minor mistakes and flaws that blink like neon lights in your self depreciating eyes.

No one notices if you've stumbled over your words.

No one notices that you couldn't do your eyebrows perfectly this morning.

No one notices that you spelled a word wrong in that text message.

No one notices the little blemish that you've spent hours googling how to get rid of.

No one notices that your hair isn't perfectly curled because you woke up late today.

No one notices your flaws because everyone is too busy trying to make sure you don't notice theirs.
 Mar 2014 -
Austin Pursley
What was going through your head,
When you pulled into that lot?,
Grabbed the gun under the seat,
Put it to your brain and shot,

What was going through your head,
When you took way too many pills?,
Did you regret it as you died?
I just wonder how it feels,

I meant to ask before you left,
What's it like to watch your body die?,
But I've been watching all along,
It's almost time to say goodbye,

I was mad at you at first,
I cried about you in my bed,
The thoughts that made you pull the trigger,
Are the same ones running through my head.
 Mar 2014 -
silly girl
 Mar 2014 -
they apologized
to clear their
not because
they were sorry.
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