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 Mar 2014 -
 Mar 2014 -
my nightmares used to be
about monsters under my bed
and the demons in my head
but I don't check under my bed
nor look in my closet for them anymore
because my nightmares only consist
about you, and the pain
if i ever lose you
 Mar 2014 -
Emma Pickwick
 Mar 2014 -
Emma Pickwick
Their confusion was real.
His chief stating feathers swayed down his back,
While he laughed with the children,
And made sure they were always happy,
For they could do no wrong in his eyes.
He adored his leadership,
He raised his head proudly,
And smiled a gentle smile.
His people would never doubt him,
For he had led the longest.
But one day,
He threw his feathers into the river,
Said a solemn, short goodbye,
And walked down a trail of tears to join another tribe.
Nobody quite understood,
He was so happy, so loving,
The one to look up to,
But they never saw him again.
 Mar 2014 -
Poetic T
Suicide Note
 Mar 2014 -
Poetic T
No one is to blame that is
on me, I regret this action
but it is the only course I

I have choices to make, decisions
that will effect others not only me.
I have steps that must be took to
explain what I did, people may
wander what brought me to this
point to end it you see.

I have wrote a letter to those it concerns ,
to let them know I loved them, that this
is my decision nothing they could have
said would stop the path that is ending
in me.

To who it may concern

I have ended the torment the life that
I live, to silence my issues, this solves
the problems that dig deeper in to my heart
and bury in to my soul.
No you could not has seen this or stopped
it you could, I wish you all happiness and

This is my letter of my own suicide, please
if any in need talk to others and don't do what I did.
 Mar 2014 -
 Mar 2014 -
my shriveled form staggers forward
with nothing but the slightest glimmer of water in the distance
fueling my weary heart
and driving my wilting frame on

my tongue lies heavy in my mouth
and as I trudge on I begin to weep
my chest heaves with each sob
but my torrid face remains untouched

I ask of any god who is listening
*for once,
let that glimmer be
more than a
 Mar 2014 -
 Mar 2014 -
On the outside we seem as
we have it all figured out
when really on the inside
our feelings are crushed
and were torn apart
physically and emotionally
but nothing can fix us
except those that tear us apart
 Mar 2014 -
Micahel De Tomasso
"We looked in the pet shop window, after having lunch 
with Linda, and Sam.
The little pup placed his paw on the glass.
as my wife reached down with her hand.
The twinkle in her eye i noticed quickly,
it was a reminder when she first looked at me.
Let's be on our way i say. Let's be on our way.
Why? she asked me.
The answer was "A Tragedy."
Your headed for a Tragedy.
We argued for awhile, away went her smile,
i did what i had to do. I'm sure you know of the out come.
We named her Toto 2.
The years have past. They flew by so fast, as we sat sadly by her side.
The future Tragedy i spoke, was of the dog, but my wife was the one who died."
 Feb 2014 -
 Feb 2014 -
Exes exist
Taking up space
Try to forget them
Try to erase
Yet sooner or later
There they are
On the surface
Emotional scars...
My ex is the Devil's daughter.
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