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The crickets are calling
Out the stars,
Paper holes punched
Into the night sky,
Hear their tune
They play
Just for me and you,
Listen to the waves
In the background,
Their crescendo
Ever so louder
Yet serene,
Watch the dark sky with you;
I could until the morning
Like a face through a screen door,
Looking out, looking up
The twinkles are bright
White sprinkles on a chocolate cake,
The crickets are calling
Out the milky moon,
Lighting up the world
Before we sleep,
Hear their tune
Lullaby serenading,
Gently our daytime cares
As we lull off to our dreams...
© okpoet
The devil on my shoulder speaks
Clouding my mind with thoughts
I'm not supposed to think of,
Who is this that is addressing her?
Jealousy rises in me; what am I to do?
Attention to details I gave
Remembered all the little things
Always there when needed,
Invisible am I; as he is present
He becoming her only devotion,
Louder now the devil whispers
Not a care in the world if she talks
Let her want; I won't lift a finger,
A taste of that; which she gave
To me when I wanted her the most,
Anger rebelling in my attitude,
She comes; and one word she utters
Just one; like a heavenly quire
Breaks my wall of stone emotions
Crumbling to her feet, defenseless;
The devil turns away knowing defeat
I am hers; to her bidding I am dedicated,
Will my love ever be reciprocated?
© okpoet
I want to hit it
And never quit
I'd follow her through the mall
Be it winter spring
Summer or Fall
That's the thing
About her
If I were a cat
She'd make me purr
She's all that
And more,
Evermore will I soar
With her under my wings
My soul just sings and sings
Always glad
For all that had
To happen
For our paths to cross
But never at a loss
For words will I ever be
For she is my sea to shining sea
My own happy, the end...

APAD14 - 008  © okpoet
Who are you?
Who are you really?
I'm stuck
Between you
And a hard place,
Not caring for the world
But caring
Because you are in it,
But my soul
Wants to be selfish,
Just for you,
And no one else,
I open up
But like rats
Others scurry in,
Won't turn away,
As if fighting currents
Weren't enough,
I keep sinking,
I want to reach for you,
But you're far,
So I keep getting pulled down,
But I've done this before,
Hundreds of times,
Just never knew
Why to keep my head up
Above the serene waters,
Turbulence down below,
For you,
I'll keep fighting,
Until there is no strength
Left in me,
Let the tide take me
When you're through,
I'll surrender,
You will be the last...
© okpoet
You were the beginning
Of a story
I daydreamed,
You stepped out of my mind
And into reality,
One sided conversations
Were a thing of the past,
I grew fond of you
This reflection born
But no one saw you,
And the doubts set in;
Were you real at all?
Or had I just crossed the line
In my head; where facts
Were just as real as fiction,
This set you ablaze
And as the fires burned; they consumed
What little of you I knew,
And as you disappeared
A cloud of ashes
I knew you were;
The shortest chapter in my book...
© okpoet
I'm burning through rainbows,
Dreaming on the wind; wishing on stars;
Can't get away from behind these bars
In my heart in my head no one knows,
The avenues I come across;
The boulevards I run through
Do I go left; do I go right?
The choices in the air I toss
The fog is clouding my view
And soon the light is fading into night;
You were once my global positioning system,
Guiding me at all hours;
But I failed to renew my subscription,
And now I'm left out in the dark
A helpless lost victim
Crawling on all fours
I hope this is just fiction
But in the distance I hear a bark
Lonesome and scared
I can't believe I dared
To doubt you
But now I'm due
For an awakening
To think is frightening
But I'm here lost
And it's winters frost
That will chill me cold
This will break me I will fold
But I don't know if I will find
The way out of my psychotic mind...
© okpoet
Stop thief!
I cried after you,
Until in the face I was blue
The moment brief,
I had glanced
Upon your façade
So beautiful he made you; God,
Took my breath away
And on my knees I lay
As images of you danced
Around my head
And I bled
But from where?
You had not touched but a hair
Stop, come back!
I uttered once more
Each minute past
The more energy I lacked
Feeling cold to my core
You were ever so fast,
Yet there in a red pool
I realized faintly aware
You had stolen my heart
The whole of my soul
Oh what a fool!
But I would again stare
Even if I had known this ending from the start
Upon your heavenly guise; pricey toll...
© okpoet
Bared my soul
And burned
Third degree,
Who could see
Her primary goal?
Had me turned
Inside out,
Someone called
It, play by play
Jokes on me
It was I,
Told a lie
Shined the sea
For the day,
Though walled
In was I, doubt
Not lacking
That I could
Make it through,
Cards high stacking
Mites in wood
Floor falling apart
Like my crumbling heart,
A stick she threw
Far far and high
If only I could just roll over and die...
© okpoet
It wants of drink
But it cannot quench it's thirst,
It wants of food
But no buffet can appease,
This heart's appetite
It's want for love cannot;
Be satiated by any external thing,
But love itself and it lies
Bouncing back and forth
Against cold glass
In a mirrored room
Without a window to look out,
At the world so bright
Filled with this feeling
It's missing,
Holding out for that one
She of daydreams
Of fake memories,
Whom this heart pleaded
For on bent knee;
To many a shooting star...
© okpoet
I feel like howling at the moon
Is this my summer? My June?
Will I see the sun tomorrow
Rise like a fiery snowball
Aimed at the sky above
Lights my eyes
Sets my thoughts on fire?
To think what this may bring
This summer;
Will I simmer?
Or will I boil overflowing
Without bounds
As I hear the sounds of the ocean
Abound with promise
This summer,
Where will I go; what shall I see?
Shall I shout out with glee?
As the alcohol flows
From my veins
Shall I hold the reins
To my summer?
This summer my June...
© okpoet
I walked through a park and found a swing;
Thought of the joy it could bring,
I swung and swung;
Until the cold air in my lungs stung,
I wanted to swing all my worries away;
I was a little kid again gone out to play,
But my worries were not the simplest thing;
I swung until I felt the tears in my eyes sting,
All my dreams seemed to sit there;
What would it be like not to care,
Yet swing after swing I was still not free;
Trapped and stuck is this all I am to be?
I kept swinging back and forth;
Thought of what all this was worth,
And then I thought of the darnedest thing;
As I sat on that swing,
I could always come back tomorrow;
And swing away my sorrow,
A few minutes on this swing;
What joy it will bring...
© okpoet
I thought she let him go;
But I was wrong long ago,
I thought she would forget him;
But this was not a whim,
Her heart belongs to that man;
Only he can satisfy her like no one can,
She is not whole without his soul;
Her love yearns for him like a burning coal,
Never will she let this hope die;
I thought I convinced her with my last cry,
But this is not possible after all;
How could I break her fall?
She loves him so;
And this is her curse my foe,
She thinks I know not;
But she gives it away like an ink blot,
I have lost the fight;
I can only pray he turns into Mr. Right,
For her life's sake;
Because from this dream she will never wake,
As she drowns in the throes of his passion;
For reason and logic her mind has shun...
© okpoet
I no longer have a mission,
A patient without a condition;
My objective has been cancelled;
A river whose waters have been quelled;
I'm a traveler without a map,
An MC at the mike without a rap,
An engineer without a blueprint;
A runner who cannot sprint;
But at least I'm a picketer with persistence,
Living through others my existence;
I am here listlessly awaiting,
Her arrival time obliterating;
But she just left not hours ago,
So what I'll do I don't know;
Sift through tasks unscheduled,
Tend my garden find weeds un-pulled;
Take out the trash, wash the dishes,
Play magic eight ball and make a list of wishes;
Without her I run circles round and round,
A puppy without a collar tag waiting at the pound;
Till she comes again; leash in hand,
To lead me; like a lost sailor to land...
© okpoet
The tiny angel sleeps,
Wings carefully folded
Beneath the sheets
Dreaming whatever it is
That tiny souls do,
A minuscule piece of heaven
In peaceful slumber,
Soon the day will break
And laughter will ring
From this blessing
A hundred thousand choices
Came together
To make possible
Such existence,
A diminutive smile
That expands
A million times
Brighter than the stars,
A minutiae example
Of joy manifested...

APAD15 - 018 © okpoet
Every once in a while
When life's not so senile,
Beauty hits us like an impact
Leaving all but our eyes intact,
To see what others miss
The slightest flutter of bliss,
Passing us by like fleeting wind
And from this moment we can't rescind,
What it does to our senses
Void of all pretenses,
We acknowledge this gift
What time and God left us to sift
Through; of all that exists
That's just what life insists,
To admire the exquisite miracle
Of the human form; its pinnacle
Achievement; this is woman;
Distraction to and destruction of man,
And it can't be denied
Though we've all tried and tried,
She'll always makes us surrender
To her touch loving and tender,
And as we admit to our defeat
Just to be with her; is a triumphant feat…
© okpoet
I wished
That we were like waves
Not knowing
Where you ended
And I began,
That we were melded
Like clouds
And cotton candy,
Woven together
Easy to separate
But just as easy
To mesh as a whole,
A little bit of you
In me,
A little bit of me
In you,
We can be as one
Without the other,
But we're so much better

APAD15 - 019 © okpoet
In the light of early dawn she sat;
As no sleep could bring peace to her,
Restless mind; littered thoughts of that;
Which haunted her every moment after,
From minute to minute her nightmares;
Were her living hell and there by her side,
He knelt; held her hand and ignored the stares;
Of those all around who couldn't understand,
How he couldn't leave her side; they couldn't stand;
To see this outspoken love he wouldn't hide,
Even though she was broken sitting there;
Unable to love him back; but he didn't care,
Because his love was for that memory he held;
Deep within his heart and the promise he upheld,
His vow to her from the moment they met;
That he would always never this feeling forget,
What she meant to him the light she brought;
Made him stand again and how for her love he fought,
Because she was that purpose he had been missing;
All his life, and though he slowly lost her to her demons,
Past, he never would abandon this flower no longer blooming;
For within her lost mind he knew she remembered him and,
So he'd be there to welcome her no matter;
What the cost no regretting the coming latter,
Even if the toll of time would his bones turn to sand...
© okpoet
Too simple for actions
Too complicated for words,
Too much in my head
Permeates even through
The peanut butter on this bread,
These thoughts are waxed
Philosophical economical perspective,
On oh so jaded misdirections
Suggestions that I took to heart,
Listened to no one because they
Don't pay my bills, heart was always
In command, but I hold no one
Accountable, but I, I alone
Stepped down to follow
Her, and her alone
With very little
Broke me down
Walls of clay
But she walked away
And dry, dried I did
Gained my composure
Once more,
But brittle I remain
Waiting for
That sledgehammer
From a song
A place, a memory,
That'll come
And powder me
All over,
Wait until
The tears rain
Puddle me back
To mud
All together again...
© okpoet
Apago el cigarro
Y enciendo otra botella,
Los pensamientos
Vienen en olas cansadas,
Mar sin fondo
Cielo sin tapón,
Las nubes distraídas
Me pintan imágenes
Que me persiguen
Como sábanas en la lavadora
Vuelta y vuelta
Ciclo interminable,
Pero no importa
Cuanto lave,
La grama sigue
Verde como jade
Entre las fisuras
De las piedras
Imposible de matar
Con simples químicos,
Solo la muerte
Ver el fin
De esta mente
Atado a un corazón
Con un lazo
De amor...
APAD13 019 - © okpoet
I put out the cigarette
And light up another bottle,
The thoughts
Come on lazy waves,
Bottomless ocean
Sky without a plug,
The clouds distracted
Paint me images
That pursue me
Like sheets in the washer
Round and round
Interminable cycle,
But it doesn't matter
How much I wash,
The grass continues
Green like jade
Between the crevices
Of the rocks
Impossible to ****
With simple chemicals,
Only death itself
Will wait
To see the end
To this mind
Attached to a heart
With a rope
With love…
© okpoet
My throat is tied in a knot
While my mind unravels thought after thought,
My stomach is churning
While the tears flow my eyes burning,
What is this turbulence?
As to ponder I commence,
You're a part of me now;
But am I a part of you and how?
You lose sleep as I do;
But is it for the same reasons too?
Many a question I wish to ask
But to confront you I am not up to the task,
Because I wish not to care;
And yet question after question I do dare,
Entertain as to it's revelation;
It's part in our equation,
But what am I? if you are my epiphany
Enigma deep shrouded in mystery,
I was strong and independent
But of you I've become dependent,
But for a twinkle of your eyes
Is this beauty your disguise?
Are you my heart's thief? clever;
I was not to uncover your endeavor,
And now in feelings and mind I suffer
My work no longer my agony's buffer,
This is a vivid hell on earth;
As every moment away from you gives birth;
To another and another inquisitive doubt,
And this my judgement does clout;
As I fight not to give in,
But I want to dive; jump; propel myself into this sin,
Or is it not? this indulgence of you;
It cannot be nothing else, such pleasure I do
Crave; deep within every one of my synapses,
Time stands still just as it lapses;
After every encounter with you,
And all I can ask; is this voodoo?
How did it come to this?
You are my torture and my bliss...
© okpoet
Lying here, I close my eyes
I attempt to relax; to let go,
But this is near impossible,
I cant get you out my mind
Around you I'm vulnerable,
When I'm not with you
My life seems meaningless,
Why did this happen to me?
You're supposed to be just a friend,
But being so close to you took it's toll,
You're so beautiful; every ounce of you,
I want you for me; I want to make you mine,
But you say you're not attracted to me
What ever did I do to deserve this?
The day I met you has become
Both a marvelous blessing
And a torturous curse,
My heart is in your hands
And you play with it dangerously,
Teasing me with your lips
I'm blinded by your curves,
I'm afraid I can't hold back if you get too close
But these thoughts are killing me,
I can't take this anymore
I wish I'd never met you
I wish you weren't so shallow,
What more could you want from a man?
I've shown you the bright side of life,
We get along so well,
But you want what you want
And no one will sway you from this,
I tried, I really did; uselessly,
Now I have to get you out of my mind
Not an easy task; but I have to follow through,
When I come out of this; I will be stronger
I'll lock away my heart from getting hurt,
It's better we go our separate ways
Lest I break down again, defenseless in your beauty...
© okpoet
You'd think by now
I'd be forgetting
Always betting
Maybe today or tomorrow,
I'll wake
A clean slate,
But no
It is not so,
You are
My only memories,
Twinkling like a star;
In my mind
Trapped butterfly in a jar,
Time is not kind
This time around,
As I do often imagine I hear the sound,
Of your laughter,
As my ever after
Is not happy or sad,
Just a certain serene kind of glad;
Always looking up and thinking that maybe you,
Might be thinking of me too...
© okpoet
She's a triple threat
The kind of woman you never forget,
Beauty from her eyes
Makes a mirage her disguise,
Every hair and every follicle
You'd want to chronicle,
Traversing across from the sky
You can see her smile from up high,
A rose in a field
Her aura does yield  
A light all her own  
Her brilliance could loan  
A little sparkle to the stars  
Wish you could bottle it like fireflies in jars,
This is her gift
To your world; no sand to sift
Through, as you sink
Into the thoughts she makes you think,
More real than a barbie doll
Into her charms you'll fall,
She's a triple threat
Don't you forget...
© okpoet
All my problems you'd end you said
I'm lying here with a little fear a little dread,
I've loved and lost
Know true love's cost
I've given in to your charms
Even if I was aware of all the alarms,
Going off in my head
I can't get out of bed,
Knowing I'm nearing a dead end
And my broken heart I cannot mend
If you choose to break it,
But I will bear it
The pain I'm used to
Before death's toll too,
Searing my soul
Like a burning coal
That won't die
Even if to the world I should lie
That I'm whole
Playing a fake role,
While my world is spinning;
Even if I'm not winning,
Know your intention
While I keep up my pretension...
But don't abandon me;
Because I truly love thee...
© okpoet
I remember
The first time
I learned to lie
"It doesn't hurt" I cried
As tears spilled from my defiant eyes
And the beatings continued,
I remember
The first time
I learned to play
Make believe,
"I have plenty of friends"
I answered to anyone who'd inquire,
And now I'm a chronic liar
Are you ok?
Yes I'm fine,
Are you sad?
No, I'm pretty happy,
How's life?
Just peachy thank you,
Just trying
To get through the day
Pretending to be glad
Rushing out the door
Knowing no one
Waits for me
At the place I call home
Looking for my knife
I recede from the outside lies
I cut deep,
And as I watch the blood seep;
Through the fabric of my parting skin
I relish the pain, the rush and the thrill of this sin
The only truth I know;
Before I cry myself to sleep...
APAD13 - 099 © okpoet
If I were a dog
I'd curl up next to her,
Oh that I wish
She'd stroke my hair
And hold me
Like she needed me,
When the air is cold outside
I seek the warmth
But she's far from me,
More chilled is her touch
No mere freezer burn
And I'm left yearning,
When will I close the gap
The chasm between us?
What wouldn't I do
But I won't
No surrender,
Every sunrise full of hope
And every night
A close I wish would be the last
A glimmer of want
In a word,
And I'll try
Try again...

APAD14 - 010 © okpoet
Esta foto
Como me cae,
Cuetes al aire
Explosión tras explosión
Reventón tras reventón,
Mira hacia el cielo
Nubes de Hiroshima
Obliterando qué?
Las aspiraciónes
Llueve inspiración
Belleza como cual?
Ninguna comparación,
Un amanecer
Un atardecer
Vida de una flor
Enbotellada en una figura
Como una galaxia cósmica
En el lente de un telescopio
Se me escapa suspiro tras suspiro,
Anhelo por vivir
Simplemente porque
Existes tú...

This image
How it strikes me,
Rockets to the sky
Explosion after explosion
Shock wave after shock wave
Look to the heavens
Clouds like Hiroshima
Obliterating what?
The aspirations
It rains inspiration
Beauty like no other?
No comparison,
A break of dawn
A sunset,
Life of a flower
Bottled in a figure
Like a cosmic galaxy
In the lens of a telescope
Sigh after sigh escapes me,
I thirst to live
Simply because
You exist...
Compose me a song
I’ll never hear;
And I’ll write you a letter
You’ll never read,
Words built up in me
Before we met
Legos now scattered
In a sandbox
Where no one plays;
See the silence thick
From the echoes
Yet to be heard
Lying under the shallow grains
Waiting to be unearthed,
You pull me
From the shadows
I hide behind,
Glimmer in my eyes
Catching your reflection,
The only light I’ve ever known
Halo on your head bright
But turn the off the stars and find
It’s only the moon’s light cast
Making you appear angelic
A savior to my soul lit
By hopes and dreams
I cannot reach without you,
I retreat into the dark
Seeking another light
I’ll never find again…
© okpoet
My love
Is turtle
From my heart
To yours,
Your judgement
Is rabbit
From your eyes
To my face,
And I can't
Shell out
The clarity
Any faster
Before your
Dumb lucky foot
Will trip you up
Won't you pause
Let me catch up
And touch you
Slowly but surely
Bring you round
And sit by me,
Glad you lost the race
Before I ambled out
Of your life forever
And you would have been
Left in your hole of regret...
APAD13 018 - © okpoet
Every shape in every cloud
Every dream screams of you loud,
Never knew such a yearning
A feeling of longing,
A face to miss
Memories strong as this,
Find me in my mind
To the rest of the world blind,
Time still, time spilt
Earth uneven on tilt,
Fires yield embers
September through Decembers,
Like bubbles through the years
Never revealing the truths of my fears,
So many people coming and going
None worth a minute past knowing,
Feel the warmth fading
No more timber to feed the thoughts evading,
Always you in the grey matter
Always former never latter,
Of what once was
Or might be, still be, twas...  
© okpoet
I'm sitting here
On top of a hill,
Listening to the ocean,
Thinking of you,
Who knew,
You'd stick in my mind
Like this,
Grenade in the dark earth,
Just waiting for me,
Stepped on you,
And I exploded,
High up in the air I flew,
Came back down,
I'm lying in the grass,
Looking up at the stars,
I know you see them too,
The peace is cradling my fears,
In my eyes there are tears
But joy is all I feel,
Thinking of you,
Who knew,
We'd come together
Like glue,
I'm you
You're me,
Let's reflect,
Thinking of us,
Who knew,
Of you and I
There would be two...
© okpoet
She's not
Your typical girl
With her atypical love,
Loving the world
Through sad eyes,
For tear tracks
As she cries,
Mixed joys
Complex thoughts,
For a cure
To no illness,
She needs not
The typical treatment
For she is nowhere near
Stereotypical or ordinary
She is awesome and extraordinary;
Her smile for now just on hiatus...
APAD13 - 041 © okpoet
You're ugly
So ugly to me,
You'll always be
The ugliest I've ever seen,
But before you
Slap me hate me
And walk away
For saying so,
Do you realize
That ugly is just a word
And I haven't let go
Holding you close,
Because no matter how ugly
You think you are,
I love you so,
I want to ravage you
Every minute
Caress every inch of you,
And I'll never ever walk away
Proudly stand next to you,
Because beauty is everything,
And the beholder knows
Ugly is an idea
Like f@ck is a 'bad' word,
And I just f@ckin' love you
Just the ugly way you are...

APAD13 - 26 © okpoet
I've disconnected
Put another dollar in
Because I'm going to keep going
Though it's all wifi
Remote login
Not all in
Drone fighter
Roll pitch and yaw
Death wobble mid flight
To your heart
Down and out
In the darkness
Morse that no one sees
Can't read the code
Between squiggly lines
Overlapping the message
With no return address
And overdue postage
Christmas letters
Without an answer
To wishes no longer needed...
I was just
Passing through
I thought I'd
Order something
Off the neon lit menu,
When I heard an angel
With a little static
In her heavenly voice,
What would you like
To order today?
An order of wings please
So I can fly away with you,
Sorry we don't have wings,
Oh but you do don't you?
Fine I guess I'll have a burrito
And an icy drink to cool me down
Is your order correct on the screen?
Yes it is! I yell already moving ahead
I almost grind gears I'm nervous,
As I get to the window and I close my eyes
I listen for the sliding glass and I feel the air
Like the pearly gates opening with a whoosh
And I gaze up into heaven and there she is
With her halo and a smile ever so bright,
She gives me the total and I hand her my card
And our fingertips touch and we both blush,
She's gorgeous and I don't hesitate to tell her so;
Even in uniform she looks beautiful undercover,
I have an appetite for two but I really would like
To share a meal and time with you, when is your shift over?
APAD13 - 042 © okpoet
Twenty one years young
And he found
The girl of
Anyone's dreams,
He's cut to the chase,
Beat the traffic;
Stopped time
In its tracks;
He's achieved
The impossible,
Saved himself
The headaches,
The heartaches,
For that one
Who would
Join him forever,
Now he's got
His whole life
Ahead of him,
To make a name
For himself;
To leave
His mark
on the world,
With his bride
By his side,
Union of fallen
Rising up again
To the heavens,
Let the chorus
Sing and the echoes
Be heard throughout  
The hemispheres,
For these brave
Souls; will
Light the world
In a loving fire
And cleanse it
Of its disbelief
That love  
Will always reign
Under God...
© okpoet
I've got a goodbye
Just for you,
Never did think
It would end like this,
My hello was just
Like any other,
When all the rest
Thought why bother,
I came and I saw
The soul behind
Those eyes,
Waded deep
Within the lies,
Hoping I would find
Your truth raw,
Everything put to the test,
Everything put on the line,
Drying out in the sun,
***** laundry come clean,
But you had a loaded gun
Safety switch unlocked
I could see the gleam
In your eye as you cocked
The trigger ready and aimed,
Straight at my heart
Ready to put me to rest,
As much as I ducked
As much as I covered,
From the start I was fckd
I questioned why I bothered
In the first place,
To find what didn't leave a trace,
But I had nowhere to be
And I had all the time to see,
The face behind the mask,
The goal behind the task;
But all I've got left
Is my goodbye, hello's theft,
Place your memory
Under lock and key...
© okpoet
Who will mourn me
When I'm dead? None that I can see  
Though even in throes of death  
I will mourn the loss of you until my last breath,  
Thoughts on the ocean currents  
Wash back to shore, memories like dents  
Of when I was next to you  
So blue; so blue
I am thinking of no one else but you, the one the only  
Woman in my life to break the soul in me,  
Did you lie? Did you deceive me? Even if a farce  
I am man enough to admit defeat, drive my own hearse  
I will, writing my obituary as I speak  
I saw the world next to you from the highest peak,  
But now I won't come down
Is this what I have reaped? I am the most obvious clown  
Laughing through the tears  
Years upon years,  
No sadder would I be than the moment  
You were no longer beside me, now endless torment,  
What is life, what is purpose  
Without you to share it all with, because  
I woke when I met you though I fell asleep  
Caught in the dream coming true, but now I am deep  
In regret, reluctantly headed forward still  
No other direction like a sleeping pill,  
Would I undo?  
Yes, a thousand times yes,
Just to be once more next to you...
© okpoet
She brushes
Up against me
But I am not the canvas
She seeks,
The colors I bleed
She cares not for,
If I carefully hang myself
She will not notice
The light that breaks
Upon my surface
Will not illuminate her face,
She has but a few strokes
And those she reserves
For the likes of him,
Priceless art
In the exhibit halls
Of her mind,
She guides
Her thoughts
Through his texture
Retrace every layer
That came before me,
I will sit empty
On this easel forgotten,
Unfinished masterpiece...

APAD16 - 020 © okpoet
Can you tell me what are colors

When all is dark as far as I can see?

Can you describe to me what are feelings

When every day and minute

Pass as cullers of my emotions

Leaving only their mark

All the shades of confusion

Amidst the searing pain?

Just because you can’t see scars

Doesn’t mean

I’m not all cut up inside,

Tearing at my insides

To get out of myself

Because the world

Is not just black and white

But all kinds of hues

Of malign and sinister,

Jumbling my thoughts

About what is or isn’t,

Blurring fact and fiction

In everything I learn,

And if I can’t find clarity

In the HD of reality,

And you can’t ever

For me construe or define

All that lacks definition and meaning,

This flowering happyguuurl

Will never fully unfurl…

APAD13 005 - © okpoet
Happy girl misspelling is intentional as this poem was follower requested and dedicated, and that is their user name.
Nightmares in the dark
Daydreams in the light
I'm haunted
By the sight of you;
By the thought of you;
By the feeling of you,
There's something
About a memory
How can it be
Over time,
It gets vivid
And other times
It fades until
You no longer
Can recall all
Of the details,  
Make them up
As you go along
A brighter red
A bluer blue,
Thinking of you,
Until I die...
© okpoet
I can't bear
The empty void;
The stillness
Of time
When she looks away,
The trajectory
Of the fiery comets
Of her eyes
No longer colliding
Into my soul,
Like when the music stops
And you're waiting
For the next song,
But she's a mere foot away
And I wonder how
We can reconnect again,
The beams from her lighthouse
Coming around
Spotlight that I crave
That I would give anything for,
The performance of my life
But it's a downhill battle
A runway walk
I cannot keep up any longer,
And when she sees me again
I hear the applause
Of an audience;
The uproar of acceptance...

APAD13 - 149 © okpoet
She clearly knows
It's Valentines,
But she could care less
For this day,
Clearly labeled
On all the calendars
How could one miss
All the **** signs?
Radios blasting
Commercials on TV,
Emails and Internet
Saturated in marketing
Love for a day,
Come one come all
Let's crowd the mall!
Mindlessly buying
Indifferently picking
Gifts quickly forgotten,
But she isn't crying
She's just a hint of smitten,
One rose by her side
Her smile is quite wide,
Because she's been loved
Yesterday, and will be
Tomorrow as she has been
Every past day,
And she knows today
Won't be the last
Because he promised
He would; forever...
APAD13 - 045 © okpoet
Veni vidi
And she
Conquered me,
What plans I wrought
Like Vesuvius
Dissolved the land,
Entombed the people,
And ashes will still rain
A reminder,
Can I
No longer forge ahead
Without her?
A master planner,
What others seek
Have I found?
Though unlike dreams
That fade
As the sun rises
She is brighter than,
And maybe
Even if
There is no empire
She is my world
And I am
A constant satellite...

APAD17 - 001
To be clear;
Once you were not real;
But my God had you created from my illusion;
What I desired but never experienced,
My thoughts were for you
Whom I did not know; a ghost;
I knew what I wanted; needed;
And you were there at every turn,
I knew that a kindred heart was beating somewhere;
As pure as my innocence;
That she would be all that was good in the world,
I felt your presence often
Waking me from deep slumber unnerving;
I would daydream of you so serene
And my heart and time would stand still,
With a beauty that shone through the skin from your soul;
And I thought be it heaven or hell;
I would walk the greatest depths;
The endless breadths;
No one would stand in my way;
I would lay waste to all humankind,
But to stand at your side;
And I died each time I awoke
Not finding you there;
And I asked myself how many others
Had tried and failed to seek you out,
But I would not stop;
My heart knew you were close;
Alone waiting for someone;
To rise up from the ashes of your annihilation
Of all those that knew not your worth,
At last I have found you;
I am here to end your wait;
To vindicate my search...
© okpoet
She doesn't have
The most melodious voice
But to me no sound
Could be sweeter,
If I listen too long
She's like a Q-tip
Plunged deep
But painless
Into my mind
Making all my receptors
Light up
Like Christmas
Yet it's almost summer
Adding to the warmth
Through me
Her voice
Like wool
Wrapping me
In tender
Loving words
Even if
All we talk about
Is the weather
Oh that she were
The little voice
In my head,
I'd never again listen
To another word
From anyone else...
APAD13 - 086 © okpoet
She can’t kiss me,

Can’t hold my hand,

She can’t express to me

All those extra syllables

She spills after all her sentences,

The stutter in her eyes

Whenever she looks at me,

I know she want’s to

Never let me go,

She yells after me

Silently as I leave,

Fearing I’ll never return,

Little does she know;

I will always come back,

I will never ever let go;

My pull is stronger than

She can ever imagine,

My eyes will never look away

From her smile,

My ears will never go deaf

To her laughter,

I want to breath her into me,

And meld my hands to hers,

But she’s been hurt before,

And patiently I wait…

You asked me
Not to wait,
But how
Could I not
When you are
All I've got?
You told me
Not to wait,
But why
Would I listen
When at the very thought
Of you gone my eyes glisten,
You begged me
Not to wait,
But who
Could possibly
Stop me?
None that I can see,
You ordered me
Not to wait,
But you;
Can't control
My heart; my mind
My love; my soul,
And so here; I still am
Stubborn; rebellious
Unmovable; unstoppable,
Forever I will be; waiting...
APAD13 - 035 © okpoet
You and I
May try
And dance together,
But she,
She tangos
With my heart,
Dangerous steps between
My love and her eyes
Entwined souls
Pushing and pulling,
Who will give
And what will break,
The subtlety of her
Nuclear bombs
Going off in my mind,
All the minutes play
In rapid succession
How I would have approached her
And gracefully swept
Her away to a world
Dreamt between
Our exchange;
Lurid lucid waltz
That you and I;
Could only sway to...
APAD13 - 073 © okpoet
I want
*** and champagne
Love and all its pain,
Under moonlight
And past the sun's brow
Night and day
Through rain and blue
I want
All that is you,
Lava flows
And fires burn
As does the fiery orb
In the sky,
But nigh;
None are ablaze
Like the yearning within
My soul,
What scorched earth
Would bare rock
Like that of my beating heart
For but a gaze
From your eyes,
For but the graze
Of your skin,
Electrostatic ignition
Between my fingertips
And your luscious curving plains,
Like lighting strikes
And storms thunder
In the space separating,
The void that keeps
This earnest frothing
Churning need alive
Another day...

APAD14 - 006 © okpoet
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