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 Dec 2017 Nathalie
She Writes
Yes I am clingy,
But you will never find someone
There for you like I will be.

Yes I am needy,
But when you need reassurance
I’ll be full of soothing words.

Yes I am jealous,
But you will never find someone
More loyal than me.

Yes I am possessive,
But you will never find someone
That values you like I do.

Yes I have flaws, I am human. Please don’t fault me for loving the way I do.
It's not that I think any less of someone for venting their honest feelings
But I don't feel as comfortable being myself around people that tend to talk about others
That like to share their judgements--
Because you know if they gossip to you, they might gossip about you
And I'm not emotionally secure right now so I couldn't handle that~

— The End —