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F/Oregon    I write poems because I have to.
F    But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream his wings are clipped and his feet are …
glass can
San Francisco    Please, and thank you. Not dead, seemingly--yet.
Daniel Magner
I write about anything I feel or see that sets my pen a'working! Enjoy!
California    ---be gentle---
Kelly Landis
Pennsylvania    "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful then the risk it took to blossom." -Anais Nin
Skye Applebome
Stokesdale, North Carolin    Prometheus was punished by the gods for giving the gift of knowledge to man. He was sent to the bowels of the earth and pecked …
Have a great day, or night, or life.
Geno Cattouse
california    I write to allow the off cadence drummer in me to find tempo and to bring to life the images that my hands can't put …
Australia    I started writing a few years ago, and it's my world. Criticism wanted, good and especially bad. Email me anytime, I'd like that.
Barry Andrew Pietrantonio
29/M/Salem, New Hampshire    I'm here.
Madisen Kuhn
25/Cisgender Female/Charlottesville, VA    @madisenkuhn | | author of eighteen years + please don't go before i get better + almost home
United Kingdom    A poor excuse for poetry
Cape Town South Africa    "Perhaps everybody has a Garden of Eden, I don't know; but they have scarcely seen the garden before they see the flaming sword.Then, perhaps, life …
"I should like to write you the kind of words that burn the paper they are written on..." -Dorothy L. Sayers.
Ember Bryce
Guatemala    i worship the sun for i was born of the stars..
madeline may
anywhere but here    my life is a series of quotes from books, music, and movies, because the times I am original enough for my own words are few …
Rachel Mary
trying to make rainbows out of words
nowhere special    I'm not home.... leave a message
Jethro Nhero Cuizon
25/M/Philippines    Emotions are kept hidden within only through poetry I can show them. I fear. I feel. I fight. I write.
California    Fiction is the closest I've ever gotten to the truth
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